Welcome all Year 6 parents and pupils.
I am Miss Mayley, the Year 6 class teacher, and our TA is Mrs Thambiayah.
Recommended reading books for Year 6:
Best Books for Year 6 | Ages 10-11 Recommended Reads | BooksForTopics
Expertly selected books for 9 and 10 year old children (lovereading4kids.co.uk)
Expertly selected books for 11, 12 and 13 year old children (lovereading4kids.co.uk)
What are we learning this week?
Maths –
- To explain why shapes can have the same areas but different perimeters
- To describe the relationship between scale factors and side lengths of two shapes
- To describe the relationship between scale factors and perimeters of two shapes
- To describe positions on the full coordinate grid (all four quadrants)
- To draw and translate simple shapes on the coordinate plane and reflect them in the axes
English –
- To write a newspaper report.
- To edit and up-level my writing.
We shall also be continuing our class read, The Nowhere Emporium, by Ross Mackenzie. We shall be completing comprehension and writing based activities based on the book and the chapters that we read.
Science –
- To be able to identify and name the main parts of the human circulatory system, and explain the functions of the heart, blood vessels
and blood. - To be able to plan pattern-seeking enquiry.
- To be able to report causal relationships.
- To be able to record results using a line graph.
PE –
This week, QE2 will have PE on Thursday and Tower will have their lesson on Friday.
This week, we shall be starting our Geography unit – all about Japan!
What are we learning this week?
Maths –
- To understand what percent means
- To represent a percentage in different ways
- To convert percentages to decimals and fractions (with a denominator of 100)
- To convert a percentage to a fraction (without denominator of 100)
- To use their knowledge of fraction-decimal-percentage conversions to solve conversion problems in a range of contexts
- To use their knowledge of calculating 50%, 10% and 1% of a number to solve problems in a range of contexts
English –
- To visualise a text.
- To engage in Book Talk.
- To create a character profile.
- To confident create and use collective nouns.
- To explore characterisation.
We shall also be continuing our class read, The Nowhere Emporium, by Ross Mackenzie. We shall be completing comprehension and writing based activities based on the book and the chapters that we rea.
Spelling –
Words with ‘silent’ letters (i.e. letters whose presence cannot be predicted from the pronunciation of the word)
Science –
- L.O. To plan and carry out an investigation.
Geography –
- To locate key countries and capital cities on the continent of Asia.
- To locate the key features of Asia’s physical geography.
- To know where Japan is in the world.
Computing –
- To know how computers, IP addresses, Routers and Packets are used to send data between devices
- To know what a variable is and how we can use them in Scratch
- To use the broadcast block in Scratch
- To use loops (Iteration) in Scratch
- To use the ask and answer blocks in Scratch to receive user input in Scratch
PE –
This week, QE2 will have PE on Thursday and Tower will have their lesson on Friday.