
Welcome all Year 6 parents and pupils.

  I am Miss Mayley, the Year 6 class teacher, and our TA is Mrs Thambiayah.

Recommended reading books for Year 6:

Best Books for Year 6 | Ages 10-11 Recommended Reads | BooksForTopics

Expertly selected books for 9 and 10 year old children (

Expertly selected books for 11, 12 and 13 year old children (


Week beginning 24th May 2021

May 23, 2021

Happy Half Term Holiday! | First Class Supply

Our learning objectives this week are:


Excitingly, we shall be moving on to our new text, whose name shall be unveiled after half term. This week, we shall be conducting a cover study, writing a recount and creating character profiles.

Class reading book – 

Orange for the Sunsets: Athaide, Tina: Books


Maths – We shall be looking at long division this week.

Science – We shall be looking at Darwin’s finches and conducting an investigation to find out which tool (simulating finches’ beaks) is the most appropriate for a task (transporting food) and why.


QE2 – Tuesdays and Thursdays

Tower – Tuesdays and Wednesdays

Please remember to wear your full PE kit on days that you have a PE lesson.

Music – We shall be composing a school song.

RE – We shall be looking at what the main place of pilgrimage is for the Hindu community?


Key dates – 

7th June – Inset day

8th June – Children return to school


Week beginning 17th May 2021

May 15, 2021

Welcome to Computing and DT Week (1)!

Computing Research Degrees - PhD - 2021/22 Entry | Birmingham City  University

This week, during our foundation lessons, QE2 Class will be embarking on an exciting Computing project entitled ‘We are Travel Writers’.

In Tower Class, we shall be starting our DT project of designing, creating and evaluating our own pop-up books!

Pop-ups: A “movable” feast of deliciously dazzling books

After half term, the classes will swap their projects.

Our learning objectives this week are:

English – We shall be finishing our substitution stories. We have been focusing on building atmosphere and describing settings. Additionally, we have been reviewing appropriate vocabulary choices and how to edit and up-level our writing effectively. Sadly, this will bring our unit on Macbeth to a close. Due to the focus on developing our inferential skills, the next title of our book will not feature on our blog until the children have been introduced to it in class. We can’t wait to share it with you.

Shakespeare Stories: Leon Garfield, Michael Foreman: 9780140389388: Books  Macbeth The Graphic Novel: Plain Text British English: William Shakespeare, Clive Bryant, Jon Haward, Gary Erskine, John McDonald, Karen Wenborn, Nigel Dobbyn, Jo Wheeler: Books  Macbeth (A Shakespeare Story): Andrew Matthews, William Shakespeare, Tony Ross: 8601200716023: Books

Class reading book – 

Orange for the Sunsets: Athaide, Tina: Books


Maths – We shall be revisiting the Year 6 Maths objectives for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Please make sure your child completes any existing tasks on Mathletics.

Science – To recognise that living things have changed over time and that fossils provide information about living things that inhabited the earth millions of years ago.


QE2 – Tuesdays and Thursdays

Tower – Tuesdays and Wednesdays

Please remember to wear your full PE kit on days that you have a PE lesson.