Welcome all Year 6 parents and pupils.
I am Miss Mayley, the Year 6 class teacher, and our TA is Mrs Thambiayah.
Recommended reading books for Year 6:
Best Books for Year 6 | Ages 10-11 Recommended Reads | BooksForTopics
Expertly selected books for 9 and 10 year old children (lovereading4kids.co.uk)
Expertly selected books for 11, 12 and 13 year old children (lovereading4kids.co.uk)
Good morning everybody,
This is a message from Howard’s Eco Reps.
Over the last weeks, we had started to compile a range of activities we wanted to suggest to you for Earth Hour, which is tonight at 20:30. We will be switching our lights off to show our awareness of problems around the protection of Earth, sustainability, the responsible use of resources etc.
Check out the official website: https://www.earthhour.org/
Here are our suggestions:
- Task: Write a poem about or to nature sharing your admiration of nature, your concerns, your pledges (what you could do to help). Then read it to another person or – sounds strange – to a plant.
“A voice for the planet” – Letter writing: Pretending to be “Mother” or “Father Nature”, write a letter to an important (maybe not so eco-friendly person/politician/…) voicing your pains and concerns and ask for immediate, specific action.
Writing Pledges: Write a pledge/plan of action that you promise to take in order to help protect our planet.
An Earth-Hour Game: Create a game with an environmental topic (e.g. Taboo/Speak out, Pictionary … – Eco-Version of Monopoly might take very long, though).
e.g. Pick 10 Topic words (related to Earth Hour, the Environment, …) and write them on a card each.
Then, to each word, decide on 5 taboo words that must not be mentioned when explain/describing the topic word,
Play the game with a partner,
- Howard’s Eco Bunting: Create bunting with a clear about: Why it is important to use resources on our planet responsibly and sustainably (so that future generations have the same access to the resources like electricity, water etc.)
- Make your message clear: This year’s mission: “A voice for the planet”
- You can choose your template. Remember to use colouring pencils (no felt-tips as they don’t show a sensible use of resources).
- Visit this website first for project ideas: https://wwf.panda.org/our_work/projects/our_planet_netflix_wwf_nature_documentary/what_can_i_do/?__hstc=&__hssc=&hsCtaTracking=c1945bc0-511c-4aea-aba9-e7e8b737a0ca%257C236304bd-24a6-4d78-86ff-93c4debba854
Remember to send your work (or a picture of it) to …
…so that we can display them on the blogs and website.
With a big thank you from your Eco Reps
Maths – Please watch the following Youtube clips and complete the Mathletics tasks that have been set.
Long division
Writing –
Continue to complete SPAG activities from your learning pack.
Click on each of the links below for your writing tasks –
Day 5 – Edit each piece according to the Year 6 expectations.
SPAG support for parents – a useful booklet that provides ideas on how to support you child at home.
Please click this link to take you to a fantastic website which provides a detailed grammar glossary. If you click each highlighted word on the website, for example ‘modal verbs’ it will take you to a page with specific examples (and some videos) to help support your child at home.
Ongoing Spelling Frame activities will be set throughout the week.
Reading –
Have a go at the Deforestation Comprehension Ninja text. The answers will be posted in one weeks time! In the meantime, you can log on Fiction Express and complete the quiz after.
Science –
Have a go at these revision activities:
Geography – Similar to what we use in Science, we would like you to create a knowledge organiser for Scandinavia. Could you include elements of physical geography (such as the names of the countries and capital cities) as well as human geography (currency, culture, national holidays, festivals, religion, etc…)
Click here for an example – Knowledge organiser
PE – Have a go at these fun, physical activities (make sure that you move any intruding furniture out of the way):
Spanish –
Please visit the link below:
Once there, select the pupil games area.
Login: class name (all lower case)
Password: howard
Please complete the task: Desayuno en el cafe topic.
Please follow the link below.
Once there, please click on the ‘teacher planning’ section for your tasks (you have seen these type of tasks before).
(You can use https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/editor/?tutorial=getStarted to access Scratch).
Thank you for your ongoing support,
The Year 6 Team