

Welcome to Vauxhall Bridge Class.

Class teacher: Mr Shahzar

Teaching assistant: Mrs Hunjan



Week beginning 26th February 2018

February 22, 2018

We are going to celebrate World Book day on Thursday 1st of March, 2018. Your child can dress up as a character of a familiar story.

Parent’s Evening letter have been sent out last week. Please book an appointment to find out about your child’s progress.

Our Mathletic winners
Silver Award
Lambeth class -Sudan and Monae

Vauxhall Class- Yashal

Bronze Award
Lambeth Class: Alvin, Zofia, Martin, Kamil, Patrick, Rebeka, Francis,  Zuzanna,Tanush
Vauxhall Class  – Taliyah, Abigail, Yashal, Jacob, Mawgan, Nathan

Super Mathlete
Lambeth Class – Suden – 4650 Points
Vauxhall Class – Abigail – 4120 Points


Our context for learning for the next term is ‘It’s Raining! It’s Pouring’!

We will be learning about the different features of poems – stanza, repetition, rhyming words, onomatopoeic words, rhythm… Children will read some rain poems and discuss about their feelings. They will learn to use their 5 senses to write some exciting words. Next week they will be using these words to write their own poems.

We will be learning about Place value. We will be looking at teen numbers up to 20/100. They will learn to say how many tens and how many ones are there in a given number.  They will continue to develop their skills in counting in 2’s/ 5’s/10’s forward and ba


We will finish our learning about carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.


In Art we will be exploring patterns and create a patterned umbrella using a range of media. Please support your child by looking at different designs and patterns you can choose.


Children will continue developing their gym skills.


In PSHE, our topic is called ‘Good to be Me’. We will be thinking about their talents and what talents/skills they have that children are proud about.


We will continue to sing using our voices creatively and learn about rhythm and tempo.


We will be continuing our learning about different religions focusing on the basic principles of Islam.

Home work
Homework is sent home every Friday and this week should be promptly returned on Wednesday please. Mathletics homework is also set weekly related to the concepts children are learning. Children can earn bronze, silver and gold certificates as they earn the points. Please check the back of your reading record for your child’s username and password.

Reading is very important and please enjoy reading a range of fun books as well as their reading books to promote a love for reading. Please remember to write a comment or sign your child’s reading record regularly. We appreciate your support to enable your child to be a fluent reader.


Monday 12th February, 2018

February 10, 2018

It’s been a busy and exciting Half-term and we thank you for all your help and support. All your children are enjoying their learning and has made good progress. We have a lot of budding authors as well as artists following our creative writing of Space stories and doing lovely space art pictures. Children have enjoyed chatting to our own resident ‘astronaut ‘ as part of their learning about Space.

Half-Term Week – Monday 12th February – Friday 16th February, 2018

Parent’s Evening this term will be on – Thursday  March 1st, 2018 & Wednesday March 14th, 2018


Our Mathletic winners
Silver Award
Lambeth class -Tanush, Rebeka, Harry, Francis, Patrick, Zuzanna
Vauxhall Class- Nathan

Bronze Award
Lambeth Class
Monae, Suden, Maxwell, Alvin, Zofia, Sheznin, Martin, Vera, Kamil
Vauxhall Class  – Diyanesh, Ethan,Taliyah,Sarah,Abigail,Yah

Super Mathlete
Lambeth Class – Tanush – 4650 Points
Vauxhall Class – Abigail – 4203 Points


Our Learning this term…

Our context for learning for the next term is ‘It’s Raining! It’s Pouring’!

Our focus is on geography – we are learning to identify seasonal and daily weather patterns in the United Kingdom and the location of hot and cold areas of the world in relation to the Equator and the North and South Poles. Children will be using atlases and developing their locational knowledge of UK and its capital cities.

We will be writing recounts of our holidays and learn about the different features of poems – stanza, repetition, rhyming words, onomatopoeic words, rhythm… Children will read a range of rain poems and will learn to perform poems.

We will be learning what is fraction (equal parts of a whole) and learn to make halves and quarters of shapes and amounts. They will continue to develop their skills in counting in 2’s/ 5’s/10’s forward and back from different numbers.

Counting in 2’s…

Counting in 5’s

Counting in 10’s

Doubling & Halving



We will finish our learning about carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.


In Art we will be exploring patterns and create a patterned umbrella using a range of media. Please support your child by looking at different designs / patterns you can choose.


Children will continue developing their gym skills.


In PSHE, our topic is called ‘Good to be Me’. We will be thinking about their talents and what talents/skills they have that children are proud about.


We will continue to sing using our voices creatively and learn about rhythm and tempo.


We will be continuing our learning about different religions focusing on the basic principles of Islam.