

Welcome to Vauxhall Bridge Class.

Class teacher: Mr Shahzar

Teaching assistant: Mrs Hunjan



Week beginning 11th September 2017

September 8, 2017

Welcome to Year 1 !

All your children have settled in and are happy in school. We look forward to an exciting Half –Term.

Our Topic for this Half – Term is ‘Amazing Me’ and it is a science focus where children will be learning about their bodies, senses and how to stay healthy.

Reading Books will be changed on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Have a look at these fun websites to learn a few songs about your body:


Our focus book is Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We will be reading it and retelling the story in the correct sequence.


Please continue to practise sound recognition with your child. Encourage them to apply their phonic knowledge every time you read or write with them.


We will be learning to form the numbers correctly and begin to learn the cursive script starting with letter c.


We are learning about number and place value. We will be counting forwards and back up to 20 and beyond as well as learning to count accurately and write numbers correctly.

Week Beginning 17th July

July 19, 2017

I cannot believe we are on our final week of the academic year!

Our learning objectives this week are:

Maths – This week in maths we will continue to solve problems and word problems as this is an area that the children find difficult.

 English – This week we will be writing about the seasons.

Science– We will complete our plant work and identify what we have learnt through the unit.

PE- On Wednesday we will continue with tennis.

RE- We will continue to learn about Hinduism.

Important information/ dates

This week the children will be taking home some of their work and also their school reports.

Thursday 20th July: Last day for children. 3:30pm finish