

Welcome to Vauxhall Bridge Class.

Class teacher: Mr Shahzar

Teaching assistant: Mrs Hunjan



Week Beginning 3rd July

July 4, 2017

Our learning objectives this week are:

Maths – This week in maths we will be focusing on problem solving using all 4 operations. We will be learning to work systematically to solve a problem and find all of the possibilities.

 English – We have now completed our Jack and the Beanstalk innovations. We are now moving onto descriptive writing. We will read the book ‘A world of food’ and will use this book to create our own imaginary lands made of food.

Science– Children will continue their plants work with Mrs Crocks.

PE- We will also continue to develop our throwing and catching and begin to play team games.

RE- We will continue to learn about Hinduism.

Important information/ dates

Please make sure your child has their PE kit at school every Wednesday and Friday.

Tuesday 11th July: KS1 Sports Day at the Old Whitgiftian Rugby Club (letter will be given next week)

Thursday 20th July: Last day for children. 3:30pm finish.

Week Beginning 26th June

June 27, 2017

Our learning objectives this week are:

Maths – This week in maths we will be revising the year 1 expectations for number and addition and subtraction. Children will be solving a place value problem identifying the numbers which are bigger and smaller. Children will be solving addition and subtraction problems and will be solving missing number problems.

English – This week we will continue to write our own version of Jack and the Beanstalk. The children have enjoyed listening to two alternatives stories. These have provided them with lots of ideas for their own innovations.

Science– Children will continue their plants work with Mrs Crocks. Our beans are starting to sprout and grow!

PE- We will continue to take part in fitness circuits to help us before sports day. We will also continue to develop our throwing and catching and begin to play team games.

RE- We will continue to learn about Hinduism.

Important information/ dates

Please make sure your child has their PE kit at school every Wednesday and Friday.

Tuesday 27th June: Whole school photo at Whitgift School

Tuesday 11th July: KS1 Sports Day at the Old Whitgiftian Rugby Club (letter will be given next week)

Thursday 20th July: Last day for children. 3:30pm finish.