Welcome to Vauxhall Bridge Class.
Class teacher: Mr Shahzar
Teaching assistant: Mrs Hunjan
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#dffbfc” border_width=”10″ border_color=”#e259b7″ ]A great big thank you to all the Parents / Carers who attended our Parents Evening meetings using the School Cloud or by phone. Hope you found it useful. If you need an appointment please contact Mrs Jeevahan or I using the year group email. year1@howard.croydon.sch.uk
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Please log onto Google classroom to complete this week’s Homework. You have 2 Assignments – Phonic and Spelling one to read and spell keywords as well as read Alien words and Topic Homework related to Science – Materials
Google Classroom Homework: We are very proud and impressed by all the Super Autumn Art work – pictures, paintings and collages.
Lambeth Class : George, Ayaz,Tate, Isabella H, Sumaiya, Arbi, Thirukamaren, Milena, Jack. Danielle, Tarun, Rebecca, Izabella O, Maria, Arbi, Dakshakkavin, Caitlin
Vauxhall Class : Freddie, Faris, Josiah, Subhikshashree, Ethan, Zynah, Sophia-Marie, Nevaeh
Please also complete the Mathletics challenges!
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Congratulations to our Merit Card winners !
Lambeth Class:
Yaseen for improved focus and trying to complete learning challenges within the given time.
Ahmet for trying hard with all your work and beginning to use phonics while writing.
Vauxhall Class for ‘Wow’ phonics . Very impressed with all uour hard work. Keep it up. Mrs Ramakrishnan
Lambeth Class : For working very hard with your phonics and making excellent progress. Mrs Ramakrishnan
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Let’s celebrate our Mathletics Champions…
Lambeth Class: Mirac, Leanne, Tate, Milena
Vauxhall Class : Subhikshashree.
Lambeth Class : George, Ayaz, Mirac, Tate, Sumaiya, Yaseen, Arbi, Thirukamaren, Dawood, Milena, Danielle, Aliyah, Tarun, Rebecca, Leanne, Isabella H, Maaria, Acton, Dakshakkavin
Vauxhall Class : Freddie, Faris, Josiah, Amelia-Rose, Prithvi, Mustafa, Joni, Hamish, Ethan, Subhikshashree, Sophia, Nevaeh
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Our Learning this week…
English : We link our learning to RE – The Christmas story. Children will role-play the story in groups. They will sequence the pictures of key events and write the story.
Maths : We will learn about addition and different ways to add, putting 2 sets together, counting on, using a number line.
Science :
Autumn : We will plan and write a non-chronological report about Autumn.
Materials : We will look at different objects and sort them according to what it is made of – glass, plastic, rubber, wood,metal…
RE : We will learn about Christmas and the significance of it to the Christians. We also find out about the different customs and traditions.
PSHE : We start a new Scheme called ‘Jigsaw’ and the unit we are focusing is called ‘Celebrating Differences’.
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Dear Parents and Carers!
Thank you for all the Parents who have attended the Parents Evening last week. If you haven’t, the School Cloud system for booking a Parent Evening appointment is still open. Please click the link below: Log on to Howard Primary School Cloud for Parent Evenings.
Please use the same email address that we have for you on our school system (to which you receive school emails). If you have difficulty logging in, please contact us at year1@howard.croydon.sch.uk
We look forward to meeting with you on School Cloud to discuss your child’s progress.[/dropshadowbox]
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Please log onto Google classroom to complete this week’s Homework. You have 2 Assignments – Phonic and Spelling one to read and spell keywords as well as read Alien words and Topic Homework related to Autumn Picture.
Google Classroom Homework: We are very proud and impressed by all the Super anti-Bullying Posters.
Please also complete the Mathletics challenges.
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Congratulations to our Merit Card winners !
Lambeth Class:
Sumaiya: Well done for trying hard with your Phonics and writing. You always make us smile by being very enthusiastic as well as positive.
Vauxhall Class:
Whole Class: For following the 5c’s and working hard with a term sprit.Well done and Keep it up!!!
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Let’s celebrate our Mathletics Champions !
Gold Award:
Vauxhall Class: Faris
Silver Awards:
Lambeth Class: Yaseen. Danielle
Vauxhall Class: Faris, Hamish, Nevaeh.
Bronze Awards:
Lambeth Class: Caitlin, Dakshakkavin, Mirac. Tate, Sumaiya, Yaseen, Arbi, Milena, Danielle, Aliyah, Tarun, Rebecca, Leanne, Izabella, Maria
Vauxhall Class: Faris, Josiah, Amelia- Rose, Prithvi, Mustafa, Hamish, Subhishashree, Ethan, Zynah, Sophia-Marie, Nevaeh.
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Our Learning this week:
Please check Google Classroom for additional information.
English: We continue our learning with poems focusing on Autumn poems. We will read, learn and perform poems, identify features, generate Autumn vocabulary and write our own poem.
Maths: We will continue our learning with Place value using number lines to find missing numbers and develop a secure understanding of how to use it effectively.
Science: We will look at some objects that are made out of different materials.
RE: We will discuss the story of Diwali and how Hindus celebrate Diwali.
Art: We will continue exploring pop-up art and create our own.
PE: We will be discussing and children showcasing different ways of travelling. Introduce balancing using different body parts.
PSHE: We will continue our learning about Anti-Bullying and use the book ‘ Something Else’ to discuss events and feelings of characters.