Welcome to Vauxhall Bridge Class.
Class teacher: Mr Shahzar
Teaching assistant: Mrs Hunjan
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A warm welcome to Year 1! We look forward to working with you to support your child and have an exciting year ahead.
We are very happy that all the children have settled in well the past week.
Please read, in full, the emails and attachments sent to you .
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Our Curriculum…
This term our topic is called ‘Amazing Me’ and is linked to Science. We learn about the different body parts, senses, healthy eating, exercise, and healthy lifestyles.
Our priority is a Recovery Curriculum in the transition phase which focuses on children’s emotional well being and mental health and place emphasis on building relationships. We will continue using the Zones of Regulation that children are very familiar with since Reception to support their needs.
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PE Lessons
PE lessons will begin in the week beginning this week on Thursday.
- Children must attend school in their PE kit, (jogging bottoms are permitted), school shoes and school cardigan or jumper.
- Send their black plimsolls or PE trainers in their PE kit bag, which will stay at school for use during PE lessons.
- A spare set of clothes may also be stored in the PE kit bag.
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School Essentials :
Your child will be provided with all the equipment they need for learning at school. We kindly ask that you please ensure:
- Clearly labelled uniform items, coats, bookbags and PE kit.
- Named water bottle (plain water only please).
- A suitable coat for outdoor wear.
- Children do not bring in anything else into school.
- Bookbags do not have book bag tags/toys attached.
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School Lunches
A weekly menu will be sent home every Friday. Kindly fill this in with your child and return every Monday morning as you drop off your child. We appreciate your support and co-operation with this to enable us to to have a smooth transition at lunch times.