Welcome to Waterloo Bridge Class
Class teacher – Miss Brown
Teaching assistants – Mrs Preston and Mrs Patel
We are pleased to welcome your child to Waterloo Bridge class and are grateful for your help and support.
Recommended reading books for Year 3:
Best Books for Year 3 | Ages 7-8 | BooksForTopics
Expertly selected books for 7 and 8 year old children (lovereading4kids.co.uk)
Children are asked to read at home on a daily basis and their book should be brought to school each day. It is helpful if parents can comment regularly in their child’s Reading Record, particularly when their child has finished their book. Children are responsible for changing and selecting their own books in the morning.
Children will be given homework each Friday to be handed in by the following Tuesday. Children are also asked to learn spellings and times tables at home. They are responsible for recording their homework in their homework diary.
Children are asked to bring to school a water bottle. They should have a waterproof coat when it is raining or the forecast is for rain.
We are looking forward to a new half term in Waterloo Bridge Class. This week our learning will be as follows;
- In mathematics we will look at shape. We will draw, model and describe the properties of two and three dimensional shapes. We will learn to identify horizontal, vertical, parallel and perpendicular lines.
- In English we will introduce a new story Escape from Pompeii by Christina Ballit. We will make predictions and explore the story using drama. We will also use the story to find out about Pompeii during Roman times.
- In Science we will learn about soil formation.
- In Topic time we will learn about the eruption of Vesuvius in AD. 79 and the destruction of Pompeii.
- In RE we will start a new unit on Christian Sacred and Inspirational Writings. This week we will learn about the Bible story of the Temptation in the Wilderness and about how Christians remember the story during Lent.
Thank you to all the children who brought sponsorship money for the NSPCC into school. If you have outstanding money it is not too late to bring it into school.
In Waterloo Class this week our learning will be as follows;
- In mathematics this week we will be working on time. We will work towards being able to tell the time to the nearest minute and to compare analogue and digital time.
- In English we are enjoying our work around the book Magic Dogs of the Volcanoes by Manlio Argueta. We will prepare storyboards and re-write the story in our own words.
- In topic time we will look at why earthquakes happen. We will use dominoes to create buildings and model the effects of earthquakes.
- In Science we will look at how fossils are formed.
- In RE we will learn about the reasons Jewish people believe it is important to care for the environment. We will be looking at how the importance of trees is shown through the festival of Tu B’Shevat.
The Jewish festival of Tu B’Shevat is on 30th and 31st January. We will be tasting different fruits as part of our learning about this festival.