Welcome to Waterloo Bridge Class
Class teacher – Miss Brown
Teaching assistants – Mrs Preston and Mrs Patel
We are pleased to welcome your child to Waterloo Bridge class and are grateful for your help and support.
Recommended reading books for Year 3:
Best Books for Year 3 | Ages 7-8 | BooksForTopics
Expertly selected books for 7 and 8 year old children (lovereading4kids.co.uk)
Children are asked to read at home on a daily basis and their book should be brought to school each day. It is helpful if parents can comment regularly in their child’s Reading Record, particularly when their child has finished their book. Children are responsible for changing and selecting their own books in the morning.
Children will be given homework each Friday to be handed in by the following Tuesday. Children are also asked to learn spellings and times tables at home. They are responsible for recording their homework in their homework diary.
Children are asked to bring to school a water bottle. They should have a waterproof coat when it is raining or the forecast is for rain.
In Waterloo Class we have enjoyed our healthy living week. Next week we will return to topic work on the Romans.
- In mathematics we will be revising our work on fractions.
- In English we will complete our work on news articles and learn to use the present perfect tense.
- In reading we will continue reading Charlotte’s Web by E.B White. We will read regularly in small groups.
- In our topic work we will learn about the Roman invasion of Britain.
- In RE we will continue our work on Hinduism.
- During the week we will participate in assessment activities in reading, spelling and grammar and mathematics.
Well done all the children who took part in the skipathon on Friday and to Kiana and Adrian who represented the school in a Dodge-ball tournament on Thursday.
Please could all parents make sure that their child has a water bottle in school each day,
In Waterloo Class we are looking forward to healthy schools week. Our learning will be as follows;
- In mathematics we will be working on our data handling skills by carrying out a survey on what children in the class eat for breakfast and record our findings following a tasting of ingredients for our own muesli. We will be creating and interpreting tally charts, pictograms, bar graphs, Venn diagrams and Carroll diagrams.
- In English we will be planning and writing a newspaper article on the importance of eating a healthy breakfast.
- In reading we will be beginning a new class book, Charlotte’s Web by E. B White. We will also be reading regularly both individually and in small groups.
- In our topic time we will focus on Design and Technology. We will be tasting and evaluating muesli before creating our own muesli recipe. Finally we will make then eat our muesli.
- In PE we will carry out several activities in a carousel working with other year 3 and 4 classes. We will also take part in a skipathon.
Well done to everyone who took part in sports day on 8th June. All of the children worked really hard and participated well. Don’t forget our shared breakfast is on Wednesday. Please bring in some food that you enjoy eating for breakfast to share with the class.