
Welcome to Waterloo Bridge Class

Class teacher – Miss Brown

Teaching assistants – Mrs Preston and Mrs Patel

We are pleased to welcome your child to Waterloo Bridge class and are grateful for your help and support.

Recommended reading books for Year 3:

Best Books for Year 3 | Ages 7-8 | BooksForTopics

Expertly selected books for 7 and 8 year old children (lovereading4kids.co.uk)


Children are asked to read at home on a daily basis and their book should be brought to school each day. It is helpful if parents can comment regularly in their child’s Reading Record, particularly when their child has finished their book. Children are responsible for changing and selecting their own books in the morning.


Children will be given homework each Friday to be handed in by the following Tuesday. Children are also asked to learn spellings and times tables at home. They are responsible for recording their homework in their homework diary.


Children are asked to bring to school a water bottle. They should have a waterproof coat when it is raining or the forecast is for rain.

Week Beginning 20th July

July 17, 2020

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#eef214″ border_width=”5″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]School breaks up for the summer holidays on Tuesday. We are aware that many children still have tasks to finish off from our previous class blogs so we have not set new work. We would suggest that children use the two days to catch up on work. We hope that the children will have as normal a summer as possible so that they arrive back at school in September feeling refreshed. We would, however, encourage the children to keep up with their reading over the holidays as a priority. We are also suggesting some websites that the children can use if they wish to continue with some learning at home. [/dropshadowbox]

Families might find the following websites helpful;

All subjects

Both BBC bitesize and the Oak National Academy have a range of daily lessons in all national curriculum subjects.




The school subscribes to mathletics and times table rockstars/numbots and children have been issued with log-in details.




The free hit the button website can also be useful to children practising their times tables and number facts.



The school subscribes to Reading Planet Online Library for KS2. The child should use their first name as their log-in and their class name as their password (either Blackfriars or Waterloo).  They will need the centre ID 211526. The website address is;


The following websites also provide free resources for children.



Croydon libraries are running a summer reading challenge called the Silly Squad. Details can be found at;



Spellzone have a range of activities to help your children with spelling.



Children can continue to use the language angels site to keep up with their Spanish. They can log-in to the games part of the site using the log-in waterloo or blackfriars and the password howard. There is also a new part of the site called Home School which includes whole lessons. The children need to use the password Howard1986 and the password lahome to access this part of the site.



It’s still not too late to enter the Spirited Arts competition. The deadline for competition entries is 31st July. Some examples of work done by year six have been posted on the school story on Class Dojo. Competition details can be found at;



Here is a reminder of the log in details for anyone wanting to access the Real P.E website:

Website: home.jasmineactive.com
Parent email: parent@howardprim-1.com
Password: howardprim

Children may also enjoy fitness activities on the following websites;

Go Noodle  workout videos, https://www.gonoodle.com/

Family challenges: https://plprimarystars.com/news/friday-family-challenge

Super movers: https://plprimarystars.com/home-learning/the-premier-league-bbc

Train like a footballer with Marcus Rashford: https://plprimarystars.com/resources/train-like-a-footballer

Health and well-being: https://plprimarystars.com/home-learning/health-wellbeing

Club activities – Some football clubs have put together different challenges/ activities: https://plprimarystars.com/home-learning/club-activities


The out of the ark website has some great music activities which the children can follow;


In addition Croydon Music Service have produced video lessons for children at subscribing school. There are still two lessons left which can be found below.


[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#faf42d” border_width=”3″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]We have loved teaching Waterloo and Blackfriars Classes and were really sorry that our time in the classroom with them was cut short. We have been really impressed with a lot of the home learning we have seen this term. We hope that all families have a great summer and wish the children well as they progress to year 4. Kind Regards Mrs Fallon and Miss Wheeler. [/dropshadowbox]

Week Beginning 13th July

July 12, 2020

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ef63e1″ border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]We enjoyed seeing the children at the sessions in school on Monday and Tuesday and in our Zoom sessions on Friday. We are now in our last full week of the school year. The children have been doing some great work at home. Keep it up![/dropshadowbox]


Spelling and Grammar – Children should watch the BBC video clip on syllables. This is a revision of KS1 work because it is essential that children have a secure understanding of what a syllable is before doing this week’s work on poetry. When they have finished watching the video they can write down the names of their friends and sort them into names with 1, 2, 3 or 4 syllables.


Poetry – This week we will be looking at three different types of poetry, Limericks, Haiku and Acrostic Poems. The children should follow the activities below.

Day 1 – Start by watching the attached video clip from BBC bitesize.


Now learn more about limericks using this PowerPoint;

Limericks Teaching Powerpoint

Now have a go at planning your own limerick about a person or place. You can use the attached planning sheets. Remember you don’t need to print off the sheets you can list your rhyming words on paper then have a go at drafting your limerick.

Limerick planning sheet (1) (This should be used by children in Turquoise and Silver groups in Waterloo and Scooby-Doo and Kirby groups in Blackfriars).

Limerick planning sheet (2) (This should be used by children in Amber and Crimson groups in Waterloo and Ninjago and Sonic in Blackfriars).

Limerick Planning Sheet (3). (This should be used by children in Violet group in Waterloo and Toy Story in Blackfriars).

Day 2 – read the poem you drafted yesterday. Spend time editing and up-levelling your work. Remember the end words of lines 1, 2 and 5 should rhyme and the lines should have the same number of syllables (8-10) Lines 2 and 3 should be shorter (5-6 syllables) and the end word should rhyme.

Now read your poem out loud and check the rhythm.

  1. di DUM di di DUM di di DUM dum  (3 beats)
  2. di DUM di di DUM di di DUM dum  (3 beats)
  3. di DUM di di DUM (2 beats)
  4. di DUM di di DUM (2 beats)
  5. di DUM di di DUM di di DUM dum  (3 beats)

If you are unhappy with the rhythm of your poem you should rework it. When you are happy with your poem copy it out in your best handwriting.

Day 3 – Today we will start learning about a new type of poem the  Haiku;

Start by watching video clip from BBC Class Clips (below). You only need to watch the first two minutes of the clip.


Now learn more about Haikus using the attached PowerPoint.

Haiku Teaching PowerPoint

Now plan out some ideas for your Haiku using the format of attached planning sheet (again you don’t need to print the sheet out.) You can choose the subject of your Haiku but remember that they are usually about nature (seasons, animals or plants.

Haiku Planning Sheet

Day 4 – Today you will write your own Haiku using ideas from your planning sheet. Remember a Haiku has three lines with five syllables in the first and third lines and seven in the middle line. You should edit and refine your Haiku several times before you find a version you are happy with. Copy up your Haiku in your best handwriting.

Day 5– Today we will be working on acrostic poems. Start by looking at the BBC video clip.


Now learn more about acrostic poems using the attached PowerPoint.

Acrostic poem

Have a go at writing your own acrostic poem. You could use one of the themes suggested on page 9 of the PowerPoint or you could choose your own theme. Start by making a collection of words and then write your poem. Remember  when your have finished your poem you should be able to look for the poem’s theme by reading the first letters vertically. Acrostic poems do not need to rhyme.


We are continuing to use Reading Planet Online Library for KS2 which allows us to allocate appropriate levelled books for each child.

The child should use their first name as their log-in and their class name as their password (either Blackfriars or Waterloo).  They will need the centre ID 211526. The website address is;


This week we have set a more challenging book for each child as they prepare for their transition to year 4.

Children in David Walliams and Dick King Smith groups have been allocated a grey level book (appropriate for a child in  year 4).

Children in Julia Donaldson group or Roald Dahl group have been allocated a brown level book (appropriate to the end of year 3).

Children in Roderick Hunt group have been allocated a lime level book (appropriate to the beginning of year 3). Unfortunately we no longer have access to the Reading Planet library for KS1. If your child is finding the lime level book too challenging their are a range of appropriate levelled books for KS1 on the Oxford Owl’s site;



  • Day 1

Worksheet: Lesson 1 – Compare capacity

  • Day 2

Worksheet: Lesson 2 – Add and subtract capacity

  • Day 3

Worksheet: Lesson 3 – Pictograms

  • Day 4

Worksheet: Lesson 4 – Bar charts

  • Day 5



Maths – Prism group (Waterloo) and Blue group (Blackfriars)

Please complete the following INSTEAD of the above work if you are in Prism group or Blue group. If you have completed the work above, the following does not need to be completed.

  • Day 1:

Worksheet: Lesson-1-Litres

  • Day 2:

Worksheet: Lesson-2-Temperature

  • Day 3:
  • Day 4:
  • Day 5:



Experiment: how does our heart rate change during physical exercise?

Watch video: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/science-ks2-how-our-circulatory-system-keeps-us-alive/zhf76v4

How to take your heart rate: http://www.cyh.com/HealthTopics/HealthTopicDetailsKids.aspx?p=335&np=285&id=1467#1

Once your are confident taking your heart rate, you are going to see how your heart rate changes when doing different activities. Please look at the following sheet and fill out the questions and table.

Heart Rate Experiment


This week we are finding out about how people exercise in other countries. Children should use the  internet to find out about one type of exercise/sporting activity which people do in another country (e.g tai chi, yoga, skiing, baseball).

Children should make a poster about their chosen type of exercise or sport with pictures and key facts.


Children should find out about Christian celebrations using the attached lesson from the Oak National Academy.


Don’t forget children can also enter the Spirited Arts competition. Full details of the competition can be found in the link below. We would love to see photographs of their entries.



Children should follow the activities in the video clip below from Croydon Music Service.


Children should continue their learning in Spanish using the Home School section of the language angels site. The children will need to use the password Howard1986 and the password lahome to access this part of the site. The children’s  topic is Puedo… which means I can and they should follow the lessons on this topic.
