Welcome to Waterloo Bridge Class
Class teacher – Miss Brown
Teaching assistants – Mrs Preston and Mrs Patel
We are pleased to welcome your child to Waterloo Bridge class and are grateful for your help and support.
Recommended reading books for Year 3:
Best Books for Year 3 | Ages 7-8 | BooksForTopics
Expertly selected books for 7 and 8 year old children (lovereading4kids.co.uk)
Children are asked to read at home on a daily basis and their book should be brought to school each day. It is helpful if parents can comment regularly in their child’s Reading Record, particularly when their child has finished their book. Children are responsible for changing and selecting their own books in the morning.
Children will be given homework each Friday to be handed in by the following Tuesday. Children are also asked to learn spellings and times tables at home. They are responsible for recording their homework in their homework diary.
Children are asked to bring to school a water bottle. They should have a waterproof coat when it is raining or the forecast is for rain.
Another busy week of learning completed. The children have been impressing us every day!
Here’s what we will be learning next week:
English- Our grammatical focus this week is punctuating direct speech. Our new text is Mouse, Bird, Snake, Wolf by David Almond. and this week we will be continuing our persuasive writing about the best creations in the world and editing our final drafts.
Our class read is Varjak Paw by SF Said.
We will be beginning to send home reading books on Monday, Wednesday and Friday for those children who have not already chosen them. Reading diaries should be brought to school each day.
Maths- We are continuing to work on multiplication this week. We will be thinking about the idea that the 3 and 6 times table are related as 6 is double 3 and 3 is half of six, we are then moving on to counting in multiples of 9, looking for adjacent multiples and how we can solve problems and finally, that 9 is triple 3 and that the 3, 6 and 9 times tables share factors.
If your child would like to practise their learning at home, there are lots of free games which they can use, including Daily 10 from Topmarks or Hit the Button
PE- We will be beginning to work on gymnastic and static balance and also incorporating some dance lessons over the course of this half term.
Art- We will be experimenting with tints and shades, designing and making a construction. Please provide your child with an old shirt to wear if possible to protect their uniform when painting.
Science- We will be continuing our topic of light, looking for patterns in the way that the size of shadows changes.
Homework- We will post homework on Google Classroom each week. We have added tasks to Mathletics. Additionally, the children will have access to Language Angels to practise their new vocabulary in Spanish. We hope to give your child access to TTRockstars also this week, a fun way to practise times tables.
PE will take place on Monday and Friday for Blackfriars class and Tuesday and Friday for Waterloo class. Children should come to school in their school PE kits on those days.
RHE- We are beginning a new topic about dreams and goals and thinking about the challenges people face and how they can overcome them.
Please ensure your child has a water bottle in school each day.
Lastly, if you have any questions or concerns, please speak to a member of staff or email us at the address below;
Year 3 Team
We have now got access to Google Classroom again and are starting to upload homework tasks. Children’s logins have not changed but there is a new class code.
Waterloo: 2tu6ksx
Blackfriars: tdsv7fo
If you have any problems logging in, please let us know.
Another busy week of learning completed. The children have been impressing us every day!
Here’s what we will be learning next week:
English- Our grammatical foci this week are paragraphing, fronted adverbial phrases and apostrophes for possession. Our new text is Mouse, Bird, Snake, Wolf by David Almond. and this week we will be continuing our persuasive writing about the best creations in the world and editing our final drafts.
Our class read is Varjak Paw by SF Said.
We will be beginning to send home reading books on Monday, Wednesday and Friday for those children who have not already chosen them. Reading diaries should be brought to school each day.
Maths- We are continuing to work on multiplication this week. We will be thinking about the adjacent multiples and number facts for the six times table and exploring that multiples of 6 are double multiples of 3 and that multiples of 3 are half of multiples of 6. We will also be giving the children an arithmetic and reasoning paper for Maths. This is to aid us in our assessment and planning and to find out which areas we need to continue to work on throughout the year. These tests are very relaxed and the children are expecting them. We also hope that we can help children to develop strategies for successfully completing tests. Please reassure your children that we only expect them to try their best. It is what we are telling them as well.
If your child would like to practise their learning at home, there are lots of free games which they can use, including Daily 10 from Topmarks or Hit the Button
PE- We will be beginning to work on gymnastic and static balance and also incorporating some dance lessons over the course of this half term.
Geography- We will be researching volcanoes and their locations and building a fact file.
Art- We will be having a look at the work of Emil Nolde and discussing our responses to his artistic style
Science- We will be continuing our topic of light, using torches to investigate how we can alter the size of shadows and introducing the idea of fair testing.
Homework- We will post homework on Google Classroom each week. We have added tasks to Mathletics. Additionally, the children will have access to Language Angels to practise their new vocabulary in Spanish. We hope to give your child access to TTRockstars also this week, a fun way to practise times tables.
PE will take place on Monday and Friday for Blackfriars class and Tuesday and Friday for Waterloo class. Children should come to school in their school PE kits on those days.
RHE- We are beginning a new topic about dreams and goals and thinking about the challenges people face and how they can overcome them.
Please ensure your child has a water bottle in school each day.
Lastly, if you have any questions or concerns, please speak to a member of staff or email us at the address below;
Year 3 Team
We have now got access to Google Classroom again and are starting to upload homework tasks. Children’s logins have not changed but there is a new class code.
Waterloo: 2tu6ksx
Blackfriars: tdsv7fo
If you have any problems logging in, please let us know.