Welcome to the Well Being Spot!

A safe space to explore well being activities, feelings and more.

Mrs Pollington

NAVIGATE: a free mentoring service for parents who have a child with special needs

Nov 11, 2022

Being a parent is a 24/7 role and it can be even more demanding when your child has special needs.  It can take its toll on an emotional and physical level.

Scope has  launched NAVIGATE a mentoring service for parents of children with special needs who might need emotional support.

It is a 6 weeks programme, on 1:1 and it is tailored to what the parent needs .

Have a look at the video below narrating the experience of a parent who used the service.

You can also access the application form  by clicking on this link:






Livestreaming and online video apps

Nov 9, 2022

From NSPPC website:

Worried about Livestreaming and online video apps?

Not aware of what the dangers are for children?  

As with most things children do, there can be negatives as well as positives, which includes risks to the safety or wellbeing of children. The risks can be different depending on whether a young person is hosting or watching livestreams.

These are some of the things you might want to discuss with your child:

  1. Feeling Pressured
  2. Feeling less inhibited online
  3. Talking to strangers online
  4. Bullying comments
  5.  Videos being taken and/or shared without consent


For guidance and information, please use this link to NSPPC:



Mindfulness in Schools Project (MISP)

Oct 21, 2022

We are proud to be taking part in the Mindfulness in School Project (MISP).

Our year 4 classes have been selected to take part in the project and will be taught the curriculum Paws.b by Miss Ancel once a week. Miss Ancel has completed all relevant training with MISP. Mrs Pollington and Miss Simion are undertaking MISP training with a view of delivering the project to other classes in the near future.

This project complements our PHSE curriculum as well as our Zones of Regulation curriculum.

Please check this link to discover the content of the 12 lessons.

Paws b Curriculum (ages 7 – 11)

If you have any questions, please contact Mrs Pollington : senco@howard.croydon.sch.uk