Welcome to the Well Being Spot!

A safe space to explore well being activities, feelings and more.

Mrs Pollington

Is water important for our mental health?

Apr 20, 2022

Looking for ways to support your child social communication needs?

Mar 31, 2022

Dear Parents/Carers,

are you looking for support in understanding your child’s social communication difficulties?

Has your child received a diagnosis of autism and you feel that you would benefit from learning more about it?

If so, I wanted to share with you a recommendation from one of our parents who has found the following course invaluable.

Supporting Children with Social & Communication Difficulties

The National Autistic Society are offering the above online 8 week course for parents/carers with children experiencing social and communication difficulties.

You can find all the information in the leaflet attached.


A way to help with anxious thoughts

Mar 18, 2022