Welcome to the Well Being Spot!

A safe space to explore well being activities, feelings and more.

Mrs Pollington

Parent-Child Yoga with Miss Ancel

Feb 5, 2024

We kicked off CMHW celebrations in style with a yoga session on Monday 5th Feb.

Parents and children joined Miss Ancel for a 15 mins yoga routine. Attendees left refreshed and ready to face their busy day .

Children’s Mental Health Week 5th -11th Feb 2024

Jan 30, 2024

Dear Parents/Carers,

Children’s Mental Health Week will take place from 5th-11th February 2024. The theme this year is ‘my voice matters’.

This theme is about empowering children and young people by equipping them with tools to express themselves and look after their mental health and wellbeing.

In our continued effort to raise standards and wellbeing for all, we will be celebrating Children’s Mental Health Week as follows:

Monday 5th Feb: Dress to Express Mufti Day.

Children and adults are invited to wear something that speaks loudly about who they are, what they like, what makes them feel happy, relaxed, content. It could be a superhero costume, their favourite shoes, a fun hat or anything that makes one feel positive about oneself! We will ask for £1 donation. Funds raised will be used to purchase sensory equipment.

Monday 5th Feb to Wednesday 7th Feb: Zones of Regulation Yoga for Parent & Child

Join Miss Ancel from 08:30 to 08:45 to practise a standing up yoga routine. Experience Zones to Regulation in action with your child. If you want to attend with your child, please join Miss Ancel in the Assembly hall.

In addition to the above, all children will take part in activities throughout the week aimed at showing them a range of tools they can use to look after their mental wellbeing.

These are as follows:

Reception, YR1 and YR2 will take part in Forest Meditation led by Miss Simion in the Forest School area.

YR3, YR4, YR5 and YR6 will work with Miss Ancel and Mrs Pollington on confidence skills.

Check out the Wellbeing page and the school’s Twitter feed for more info from 5th February.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Pollington and Miss Ancel

Wellbeing Team



Meet Bentley, our new Therapy Dog.

Jan 24, 2024

Bentley, a Newfoundland water rescue dog, is our new Therapy Dog. He replaces Pepsi who, sadly, moved too far away to visit.

Mr Humphreys, a retired prison governor, joined the charity Pets as Therapy a few years ago. Bentley has been visiting care homes and supported patients with dementia.

Bentley will visit our school on Mondays. He will work with children who need support in reading but also children who might need a confidence boost or children who will benefit from Bentley’s charm and calm demeanour. The sessions are scheduled by Mrs Pollington who will chaperone the children and be able to monitor their enjoyment and progress.

This initiative is part of our continuous effort in raising standards and support children’s emotional and mental wellbeing.