Welcome to the Well Being Spot!

A safe space to explore well being activities, feelings and more.

Mrs Pollington

Mar 5, 2021

Sometimes children have big reactions to small problems. Sometimes they have big reactions to big problems. Sometimes they have big reactions to a change, like going back to school after a lockdown.

These big reactions can be difficult to cope with, to understand and talk about. Here are some stories in video format which you might find useful to use with your child to bring a positive change and plan some strategies together.

Bomb Bird from Angry Birds – He’s trying to stay calm, he even uses some calming strategies, but eventually he has a moment of overreaction.

Mr. Jelly – He is afraid and has huge reactions to every sound, even a leaf falling.

Big Deal or Little Deal – An animated video explaining how different situations are a big or a little deal.

Big Problems vs. Small Problems – Kids tend to enjoy with the see adults role playing the wrong way to do things. This video shows how you could react in a big way or a little way.


How can you help your child managing anxiety?

Feb 26, 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you for attending the parents workshop on how to support children managing anxiety. Please see the attached copy of Zoe Barkham’s presentation.

parents managing anxiety lockdown

Feel free to leave a comment or to contact me if  you have any questions, comments, ideas : sdalziopolling.306@lgflmail.org



Services available in Croydon

Feb 26, 2021