Welcome to the Well Being Spot!

A safe space to explore well being activities, feelings and more.

Mrs Pollington

The A-Z guide to Well Being

Jun 18, 2020

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]What about exploring a range of ways to look after your wellbeing and that of your family?

Have a look at this video for some fun ideas.

Keeping active is a brilliant way to release useful endorphins which can improve our mood and sense of well being.

Every year we celebrate sports and keeping healthy and active by having a Sports Day.  This year, however,  we had to be more creative than usual that is why we have developed a Virtual Sports Week. 

Find out all the details on your class Dojo.  The video below is to give you a taster of what exercises you can do at home to take part in the Virtual Sports Week. 

Around the world




Going back to school: what is a bubble?

Jun 13, 2020
  • [dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Next week some of the yr1 children will go back to school. They will join a bubble. This will undoubtedly spark some excitement but also some questions. If you and your child travel to school by public transport, you will also have to explain to your child about wearing a mask. In fact, from June 15th masks will be compulsory on public transport. The picture resources might be helpful in starting a conversation with your child. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions on : sdalziopolling.306@lgflmail.org[/dropshadowbox]

National Empathy Day : 9th June 2020

Jun 9, 2020

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Empathy is a very powerful tool as it can help us to understand another person and feel their emotions. It brings about understanding, sympathy, collaboration, a sense of belonging. How can we help children developing the power of empathy? Reading is an effective way to develop empathy in children.

Have a look at the Primary Age Guide from the EMPATHYLAB : https://irp-cdn.multiscreensite.com/b2f3fbc2/files/uploaded/EMPATHYLAB%20primary%20GUIDE%20Landscape%20AW.pdf

These are some of books I really like to use:


Why not celebrate Empathy Day in the company of amazing children’s authors ? Join them using the link below:


For other ideas on ways to develop empathy : 
