Welcome to the Well Being Spot!

A safe space to explore well being activities, feelings and more.

Mrs Pollington

How can you help children experience the 2 metre rule?

Jun 4, 2020

Social distancing is something we all have to put into practice. How can you support someone to visualise, experience and understand the 2 metre rule?

Have a look at the suggestions in the photo and see what social distancing looks and feelS like.


Another way to initiate a conversation around social distancing is to use the concept of caring as a super power.

The author Nicole Rim has written a beautiful book on the power of caring. If you are able to print a copy it can turn into a colouring, relaxing activity that might help to spark a conversation around social distancing and thoughts/worries that children might have.



Exploring feelings and thoughts around going back to school

Jun 4, 2020

Schools in England will be staging a phased return for pupils in yr6,yr1 and Reception from June the 2nd.

This can trigger mixed responses in children as well as adults.

How can we support family members in exploring ways to introduce and support this change?


May 24, 2020

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ] Mental health is everyone’s business.

We all have times when we feel down or stressed or frightened. Most of the time those feelings pass. But sometimes they develop into a more serious problem and that could happen to any of us. Our mental’s health does not always stay the same. It can change as circumstances change and as we move through different stages of our life.

We all know how we can keep our body healthy, but what can we do to look after our mental health?

Have a look at these 10 tops tips!

At Howard Primary we support children in looking after their mental health and wellbeing by using strategies such as mindfulness, breathing techniques and more. Have a look at these videos to find out more :

Wellbeing spot breathing-sun-blue zone – Copy

Wellbeing spot Breathing-infinity or lazy 8 – Copy

Breathing-Y5 Pyman-Food Breath – Copy

Breathing-Y5 Qusai-warming Breath-german – Copy

More information on:

Howard School Dojo

