Welcome to the Well Being Spot!

A safe space to explore well being activities, feelings and more.

Mrs Pollington

Organising the day

Mar 27, 2020

Coronavirus_Social_StoryHome Daily Timetable

Some children need a visual reminder of what their day will be filled with. Using a visual timetable can help reduce the anxiety a child might feel about ‘what comes next’.  Time is a difficult concept to understand and transitioning from one activity to the next can be perceived as a threat or a punishment by some children. Have a look at the timetable I have attached to give you some ideas on how to put together a visual timetable. Sometimes just a NOW/NEXT prompt on a blank piece of paper will suffice. 

Social stories are also useful to reduce anxiety because the message is repeated throughout the story. Have a look with your child at the social story about the Corona Virus and school closure.

Mrs Pollington