Welcome to the Well Being Spot!

A safe space to explore well being activities, feelings and more.

Mrs Pollington

How to support your child’s transition to KS3

Jun 6, 2023

This short guide provides tips on how to support children preparing for, or going through, the transition to secondary school.  

It includes guidance which explains why the transition can be difficult for some children, and practical advice such as talking and connecting with the new school, as well as suggested resources that children and parents and carers may find useful.


Parent Gym is coming to Howard Primary

May 11, 2023

Dear Parents/Carers,

RE: Parent Gym is coming to Howard Primary from 22nd May 2023: 12 places available

We know from talking with parents that many of you wonder what you can do to give your children the best start in life (and make your life as a parent a bit easier too).

This is why we’re delighted to offer Parent Gym, a well-established, six-week programme that shares and explores practical tips and strategies to make family life easier and help your children thrive. Come along to meet other parents, hear their stories and pick up new ideas. Everyone is welcome and it is completely free.


The sessions are themed as follows and will be led by our Parent Gym Coach, Miss Ancel:

Week 1:  Mon 22nd May 13:20-15:20, Music Room

CHAT: How to communicate. Get you and your child talking and listening in a positive way every day.

Week 2: Mon 12th June 13:20-15:20, Music Room

LOVE: How to show you care, in the right ways Boosting your child’s confidence, with a balance between closeness and independence.

Week 3: Mon 19th June 13:20-15:20, Music Room

BEHAVE: How to be consistent in setting boundaries. Bring calm to your family with rules and routines that really work.

Week 4: Mon 26th June 13:20-15:20, Music Room

CARE: How to raise healthy children. Keep yourself and your family healthy and happy with good sleep, eating and exercise.

Week 5: Mon 3rd July 13:20-15:20, Music Room

DISCOVER:  How to encourage learning. Help develop healthy learning habits with your child, including managing screen time.

Week 6: Mon 10th July 13:20-15:20, Music Room

TOGETHER: How to build a family support network. Keep your family feeling happy, supported and loved.


To find out whether this is for you, please join us for a taster session on Monday, 15th May, 14:30-15:15, in the Music Room.  If you know this is for you, to book a place on the Parent Gym course, please email Mrs Pollington at: senco@howard.croydon.sch.uk


Yours sincerely,

Mrs Pollington and Miss Ancel

Wellbeing Team

Howard Primary

A is for Autism

Mar 31, 2023

To celebrate Neurodiverse Week and Autism Awareness , we are delighted to share with you a fantastic resource : A is for Autism.

These are a few of the highlights :

Feelings and emotions p.18
Communication and processing information p.23
Mental health p.27
Behaviours that you may find challenging p.28

You can access the free book here :A for Autism (1)