Welcome to the Well Being Spot!

A safe space to explore well being activities, feelings and more.

Mrs Pollington

Free Health Checks for Adults on 27th March

Mar 22, 2023

Croydon: Let’s Connect!

Mar 5, 2023

There are many ways to keep mentally healthy. One of them is to Connect. You feel connected when you to feel close to and valued by other people, especially those in your community.

Hence it is important to also discover what amazing things Croydon has to offer.

Let’s celebrate Croydon and its people together!




Thank You Howard Primary

Feb 27, 2023

What an amazing Dress to Express day we all had!

We discovered that we can express a whole range of emotions by wearing a certain colour, a texture, a pattern. Accessories such as hair bands played a big part in our Dress to Express day and so did nail varnish ! We talked about fashion as a tool that can trigger great memories, a power tool that can shift our mood and help us to connect mind and body. We talked about our heros and their many costumes and how they made us feel like heros too on a hard day.

By sharing the reason behind why we chose a particular outfit, we put into practice good mental health strategies, we discovered things we didn’t know about each other, we showed kindness, respect and shared joy! Above all we showed that we connected as a community.

We have also raised over £200 towards the building of sensory walks around school.

Thank you Howard Primary!

Mrs Pollington and Miss Ancel from the Wellbeing Team at Howard Primary