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Welcome to Westminster Bridge Class.

Class teacher: Mrs Ramakrishnan

Teaching assistant: Miss Dale

Week beginning 15th June 2020

June 14, 2020

Home Learning Year 2


Dear Parents,

Thank you to you all for the amazing work you are doing with your children. Thank you for your posts, comments and messages on Class Dojo. We value them dearly.

Please try and log in once a day onto ClassDojo to share with us work you are doing or anything you do as part of your daily living.


Here are some instructions to help you know what you can doing when you are learning from home:

Morning Activities

During the morning, you should focus on Maths, Reading, Spelling and Writing activities.  You should also read daily.  Regularly ask an adult to test you and see how many you can get right.

Enclosed is a suggested updated timetable for this period of learning at home. TIMETABLE –  Howard home learning timetable-1

Remember the importance of drinking plenty of water throughout the day and taking regular movement breaks.  Try and get some fresh air and exercise each day to help you keep healthy and well.

Afternoon Activities

During the afternoons, choose one or two of the activities to complete.

Parents can contact us via email at

Children can contact us via ClassDojo  –
Please feel free to share nay alternative work you’re doing or anything at home that you’ve completed that you’re proud of. (Check out the help at home section below)

From Ms Brown and Ms Agyemang

Remember to stay in contact with us via Class Dojo ? We welcome your pictures, videos, drawings, thoughts, work etc …

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#2cd2e7″ border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]We look forward to hearing from you ! 🙂 [/dropshadowbox]



Every day at 9 am, join Joe Wicks for PE session !

Welcome to Virtual Sports Week

Sports Week - Notts TV News | The heart of Nottingham news ...

As this week is Virtual Sports Week, we have decided to theme our learning (where possible) around sports. For links to the activities (and video tutorials), please click here ( .

We have put together videos of Mr Sinclair showing how to do each activity, and there is a pdf document also explaining the activities and different scores to aim to get etc. which are on the Virtual Sports Week blog page.

There are 10 activities, children are to chose 5 activities out of the 10 activities ​and put these into the tracker (or they can create their own tracker) which is attached (pdf and word).


Sports-week-activity-tracker.docx-1 (PDF)

For each activity, the children have 60 seconds to complete as many reps of the activity as they can. The aim of the week is to beat their personal best, so we would like to see an improvement on their tracking sheet throughout the week. The PDF documents that explain the activities have Bronze, Silver and Gold targets for them to get. So there is also a section on the tracking sheet for them to tick if they achieve the Bronze, Silver and Gold. The tracking sheet also includes extra daily challenges for them to complete – they can chose which one they want to do each day – on Thursday there is an opportunity to dress up as their favourite character whilst practising.

Please do share your videos, photos and your activity tracker with us via ClassDojo

English – pobble 365

Colours of the ocean – 077_Colours_of_the_ocean

The spilt – 176_thesplit

The port key – 054_The_Port_Key


Maths –recapping all learning

We have completed all strands of the year 2 maths curriculum!! Well done us!

So here is a booklet which recaps all the learning we have done. Please complete it throughout the week at your own pace 

When calculating, can you use the strategies you were taught in school?

You can think about using:

  • A number line
  • A place value chart
  • Drawing out apparatus
  • Inverse operations
  • Arrays


LA-  fractions (halves)

Colour half-

Find half-

Problem solving finding half in different ways-

Find half of an amount- (it would be very useful to use practical resources to help with this activity e.g. buttons, counters)

Challenges- fractions

Happy halving-



PowerPoint – Halving (1)


 There are pages at the end of the booklet to recap different strands of the year 2 SPaG requirements including contractions, the prefix -un, punctuation and many more.

Please complete at your own pace through the week.

Spelling- words ending in -le

You can do any of the activities in the spelling tiles section, play Bullseye Spelling and try testing yourself for free!

Reading comprehension

There are a few different reading comprehensions within the booklet.

Please complete at your own pace through the week.

Science- Animals including Humans

Animal babies


Do you remember doing this story in school? How is this story related to your science topic?



Powerpoint – baby animals

Work- t-t-2701e-animals-and-their-young-matching-cards-mixed-up-order -Animals and their young matching cards. You could do:

  • Do a cut and stick
  • Play matching pairs with your family
  • Turn the cards over and play a memory game

Test your knowledge with this quiz-

Geography/ history- seaside

Lesson 3- seaside’s of the past

PowerPoint – #Lesson Presentation Seasides Past and Present

Work- UK map- find and locate seaside locations in the 4 countries of the UK – Seasides in the UK Activity Sheet

Use the online map to help with your map work :

Work- cut and stick seaside’s now and then (2 star worksheet) (in folder)  – Differentiated Now and Then Seaside Sorting Activity Sheet

RE- Judaism


Lesson 1


password – makingmusic123

Each weekly lesson will be available online for 5 weeks.  Feel free to use in the classroom too if you are in school.

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#cbce5e” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]We would love to see a video of you playing an instrument. Send it via ClassDojo [/dropshadowbox]


Work –

keep-my-hug-safe big-hugs



Children should be reading every day.

When reading with your child at home ask them questions related to their book.

Questions to ask before you read

  • Can you look at the pictures and predict what you think will happen in this book?
  • What makes you think that?
  • What characters do you think might be in our story?
  • Do you think there will be a problem in this story? Why or why not?
  • Does the topic/story relate to you or your family? How?

Questions to ask during the reading

  • What do you think will happen next?
  • What can you tell me about the story so far?
  • Can you predict how the story will end?
  • Why do you think the character did _______?
  • What would you have done if you were the character?
  • How would you have felt if you were the character? (use different characters)
  • As I read____________, it made me picture________ in my head. What pictures do you see in your head?
  • As you read, what are you wondering about?
  • Can you put what you’ve just read in your own words?

Questions to ask after reading

  • Can you remember the title?
  • In your opinion, was it a good title for this book? Why or why not?
  • Were your predictions about the story correct?
  • If there was a problem, did it get solved?
  • What happened because of the problem?
  • Why do you think the author wrote this book?
  • What is the most important point the author is trying to make in his writing?
  • What was your favourite part of the story?
  • If you could change one thing in the story, what would it be?
  • Can you retell the story in order?
  • If you were __________, how would you have felt?
  • What is the most interesting situation in the story?

Is there a character in the story like you? How are you alike?



Create a project

Play a game and review it

Giving directions


Share with us any computing work you are doing at home


Handwriting sheet  – Handwriting



Creative ideas

Week Beginning 8th June 2020

June 7, 2020

Home Learning Year 2


[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#89c4f5″ border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]We look forward to you contacting us via ClassDojo [/dropshadowbox]

Dear Parents,

Thank you to you all for the amazing work you are doing with your children. Thank you for your posts, comments and messages on Class Dojo.We value them dearly.

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#f5e8fc” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Please try and log in once a day onto ClassDojo to share with us work you are doing or anything you do as part of your daily living.[/dropshadowbox]


Here are some instructions to help you know what you can doing when you are learning from home:

Morning Activities

During the morning, you should focus on Maths, Reading, Spelling and Writing activities.  You should also read daily.  Regularly ask an adult to test you and see how many you can get right.

Enclosed is a suggested updated timetable for this period of learning at home. TIMETABLE –  Howard home learning timetable-1

Remember the importance of drinking plenty of water throughout the day and taking regular movement breaks.  Try and get some fresh air and exercise each day to help you keep healthy and well.

Afternoon Activities

During the afternoons, choose one or two of the activities to complete.

Parents can contact us via email at

Children can contact us via ClassDojo  –
Please feel free to share nay alternative work you’re doing or anything at home that you’ve completed that you’re proud of. (Check out the help at home section below)

From Ms Brown and Ms Agyemang

Remember to stay in contact with us via Class Dojo ? We welcome your pictures, videos, drawings, thoughts, work etc …

We look forward to hearing from you ! ?

For Maths please watch the videos that support each lesson.




Every day at 9 am, join Joe Wicks for PE session !

Please complete English work over the course of the week. For Maths please watch the videos that support each lesson.

English – You can complete SATs papers ( See below)
Maths – Capacity and temperature

Maths – Capacity and temperature


Maths – Compare Volume



Work – Compare Capacity Activity Cards



Maths – Understand millilitres

PowerPoint –t-n-2545098-measuring-in-ml-powerpoint_ver_2

Work –Millilitres Activity Cards



Maths – Understand litres


Work –Litres Activity Cards



Maths – Understand temperature

(Interactive lesson)


WorkTemperature Activity Cards



Maths – Read and compare scales

PowerPoint – T-N-4327-Reading-and-Comparing-Scales_ver_1 (2)

Work –

Extra fluency practice for ml and l –t-c-254584-everyday-objects-capacity-activity-sheet_ver_4

Extra fluency practice for reading thermometers –  t2-s-1170-reading-thermometers-up-in-2s-5s-10s-activity-sheet-_ver_2

Extra fluency reading scales –  t-n-2546701-read-scales-with-unmarked-divisions-differentiated-activity-sheets-english_ver_1



Maths Challenges – Extra reasoning and problem solving

Challenges- SATS papers

Maths- SATS paper

Arithmetic paper:

Reasoning paper:

Mark scheme:

SPaG- SATS paper

Grammar & punctuation:

Reading comprehension- SATS papers

Short reading paper 1:

Longer reading paper:

Longer reading paper answer booklet:

Please find the mark scheme for paper 1 & 2:

Other subjects

Geography – seaside

We will be continuting our work regarding the  seaside

Features of the seaside

Powerpoint – #Lesson Presentation Features of the Seaside

First: complete ‘I spy’ work sheet – I Spy at the Seaside Activity Sheet

Then: go through the ‘features of the seaside’ PowerPoint – #Lesson Presentation Features of the Seaside

Work- features of the seaside – Differentiated Features of the Seaside Activity Sheet

Work- in the picture – Differentiated In the Picture Activity Sheet


password – makingmusic123

Each weekly lesson will be available online for 5 weeks.  Feel free to use in the classroom too if you are in school.

We’d love to see a video of you playing an instrument.

Children should be reading every day.

When reading with your child at home ask them questions related to their book.

Questions to ask before you read

  • Can you look at the pictures and predict what you think will happen in this book?
  • What makes you think that?
  • What characters do you think might be in our story?
  • Do you think there will be a problem in this story? Why or why not?
  • Does the topic/story relate to you or your family? How?

Questions to ask during the reading

  • What do you think will happen next?
  • What can you tell me about the story so far?
  • Can you predict how the story will end?
  • Why do you think the character did _______?
  • What would you have done if you were the character?
  • How would you have felt if you were the character? (use different characters)
  • As I read____________, it made me picture________ in my head. What pictures do you see in your head?
  • As you read, what are you wondering about?
  • Can you put what you’ve just read in your own words?

Questions to ask after reading

  • Can you remember the title?
  • In your opinion, was it a good title for this book? Why or why not?
  • Were your predictions about the story correct?
  • If there was a problem, did it get solved?
  • What happened because of the problem?
  • Why do you think the author wrote this book?
  • What is the most important point the author is trying to make in his writing?
  • What was your favourite part of the story?
  • If you could change one thing in the story, what would it be?
  • Can you retell the story in order?
  • If you were __________, how would you have felt?
  • What is the most interesting situation in the story?

Is there a character in the story like you? How are you alike?



Create a project

Play a game and review it

Giving directions


Share with us any computing work you are doing at home

RE – Judiasm

Science – plants we eat

PowerPoint – Lesson Presentation Plants We Eat sort parts to eat

Work – sort parts to eat  ( cut and stick the fruit and vegetables according to which part of the plant we eat)


[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ea988f” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Please try and log in once a day onto ClassDojo to share with us work you are doing or anything you do as part of your daily living.[/dropshadowbox]


Handwriting sheet  – Handwriting



Spelling- homophones& near homophones (part 2)

You can do any of the activities in the spelling tiles section, play Snowball Smash and try testing yourself for free!



Creative ideas

Alternative maths/ LC  – adding 1 digit to 2 digit/ adding 10s to a 2-digit number

Work –



All about Positive Thinking

Y2 Think Happy Lesson Presentation

Y2 Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining Activity Sheet


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