Welcome to Westminster Bridge Class.
Class teacher: Mrs Ramakrishnan
Teaching assistant: Miss Dale
Happy “International Bee Day” to everybody.
Did you know that bees are crucial when it comes to producing our food?
Did you know that during her life, a bee collects only 1/12 of a tea spoon full of honey?
Did you know that social-distancing is impossible for bees as in the height of the summer, a beehive houses far over 30.000 bees?
To celebrate our little, fascinating and for our survival essential companion, please spend some time today to …
- create some “Bee-Craft” https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/153122456057498813/ and https://www.activityvillage.co.uk/bees;
- bake https://mummy2twindividuals.com/world-bee-day-6-preschool-activities;
design a fact-file https://askabiologist.asu.edu/virtual-beehive;
set up a mini-bee garden (with a range of flowers in a plant pot);
- beebingo-board1
- Rollup_WBD_90x200cm_50percentANG
- t-t-2547293-all-about-bees-activity-sheet
- t-tp-5971-bee-fact-cards-fact-cards-english_ver_1
- t-tp-6565-bee-mindfulness-collaborative-colouring-activity-pack-
creative and send some pictures on Class-Dojo or howardyear5@gmail.com
Mr Grundey
Home Learning Year 2
Well done and thank you for all your hard work. Remember to keep in contact with the teachers via ClassDojo!
Dear Parents,
Thank you to you all for the amazing work you are doing with your children. Thank you for your posts, comments and messages on Class Dojo.
Here are some instructions to help you know what you can doing when you are learning from home:
Morning Activities
During the morning, you should focus on Maths, Reading, Spelling and Writing activities. You should also read daily. Regularly ask an adult to test you and see how many you can get right.
Enclosed is a suggested updated timetable for this period of learning at home. TIMETABLE – Howard home learning timetable-1
Remember the importance of drinking plenty of water throughout the day and taking regular movement breaks. Try and get some fresh air and exercise each day to help you keep healthy and well.
Afternoon Activities
During the afternoons, choose one or two of the activities to complete.
Parents can contact us via email at howardyear2@gmail.com
Children can contact us via ClassDojo – https://www.classdojo.com/en-gb/?redirect=true
Please feel free to share nay alternative work you’re doing or anything at home that you’ve completed that you’re proud of. (Check out the help at home section below)
From Ms Brown and Ms Agyemang
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#56d5db” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Remember to stay in contact with us via Class Dojo We welcome your pictures, videos, drawings, thoughts, work etc …[/dropshadowbox]
Every day at 9 am, join Joe Wicks for PE session !
Please complete English work over the course of the week. For Maths please watch the videos that support each lesson.
Every day at 9 am, join Joe Wicks for PE session !
SPaG – nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs
SPaG- nouns, verbs, adjectives & adverbs
Video & interactive work about verbs- https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zfc2mfr
Video & interactive work about nouns- https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zjrdwty
Video & interactive work about adjectives- https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zvv8d6f
Video & interactive work about adverbs- https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zbn492p
Work- Sort the verbs, nouns & adjectives – Y2 sorting noun, verb & adjective
Work- https://www.k5learning.com/worksheets/grammar/grammar-worksheet-grade-3-adverbs-0.pdf
Maths – Describing movement
PowerPoint Presentation – Describing movement
Work – Describing movement work
English – The paper bag princess (Day 1)
English – The paper bag princess (Day 2)
Maths – Describing movements and turns
Work – Activity Cards -Describe Movement and Turns
English -It’s Behind You!
Work – Y2_Wk5_Day3
Maths – Making patterns with shape
PowerPoint – making-patterns-with-shapes-thursday
Have a go at completing Friday’s Maths Challenge on the whiterosemaths website.
English – The Football Field Foul Fiend
Work – Y2_Wk5_Day5
LA/ Alternative maths
Interactive game- https://www.topmarks.co.uk/money/coins-game
Choose sorting. You can either choose sorting one type of coin or sorting two different coins.
Choose ordering. You can choose any of the options and practice ordering coins on their value.
Interactive game- https://www.topmarks.co.uk/Flash.aspx?f=Buy2itemsv4
Choose prices or totals up to 10p and calculate using number bonds.
Interactive lesson-http://resources.hwb.wales.gov.uk/VTC/working_with_coins/eng/Introduction/default.htm
You can work through the starter activity and one session each day.
Work – Solve problems with money
Maths Challenges
Interactive game- https://www.topmarks.co.uk/money/toy-shop-money
Choose mixed coins then you can either practice paying with correct coins giving change. The more confident you feel the greater amounts you can choose.
Interactive game- https://www.topmarks.co.uk/money/coins-game
Choose counting. You can practice making amounts. The more confident you feel the more coins you can use
Interactive game- https://natwest.mymoneysense.com/students/students-5-8/the-change-game/
Choose the hard level and work out how much change you will receive against the clock.
Interactive game- https://www.topmarks.co.uk/Flash.aspx?f=PriceListsv5
Choose the ‘what did I buy?’ tabs along the bottom and calculate totals from a list.
Other subjects
Geography- UK maps
PowerPoint – United Kingdom Powerpoint
Work – UK Atlas Activity Sheet
Consolidate learning by piecing together a map of the UK and sticking on labels – T-T-18428-Differentiated-Countries-of-the-United-Kingdom-Labelling-Activity-Sheets_ver_8
Colouring flags of the UK – t-g-363-our-country-uk-flags-colouring-page-colouring-pages_ver_5
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#e6a05b” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#a43232″ ]We’d love to see a video of you playing an instrument.[/dropshadowbox]
Reading | comprehension
Comprehension – Read some information about The United Kingdom.
Comprehension – cfe2-l-341-united-kingdom-differentiated-reading-comprehension-activity_ver_3
1 star- basic
2 star- intermediate
3 star- challenge
An online reading comprehension about money- https://www.englishforeveryone.org/PDFs/Informational%20Passages%20RC%20-%20Money.pdf
Read ‘The Hodgeheg’ by Dick King Smith. Complete the booklet over the next few weeks.
https://www.barhamprimary.co.uk/attachments/download.asp?file=764&type=pdf (free EBOOK!!!)
or if you want to …. https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/offer-listing/0141332387/ref=tmm_pap_used_olp_sr?ie=UTF8&condition=used&qid=&sr= (buy used from Amazon)
Booklet to complete the task related to ‘The Hodgeheg by Dick King Smith’ – The_Hodgeheg
Other books by Dick King Smith…
Children should be reading every day.
When reading with your child at home ask them questions related to their book.
Questions to ask before you read
- Can you look at the pictures and predict what you think will happen in this book?
- What makes you think that?
- What characters do you think might be in our story?
- Do you think there will be a problem in this story? Why or why not?
- Does the topic/story relate to you or your family? How?
Questions to ask during the reading
- What do you think will happen next?
- What can you tell me about the story so far?
- Can you predict how the story will end?
- Why do you think the character did _______?
- What would you have done if you were the character?
- How would you have felt if you were the character? (use different characters)
- As I read____________, it made me picture________ in my head. What pictures do you see in your head?
- As you read, what are you wondering about?
- Can you put what you’ve just read in your own words?
Questions to ask after reading
- Can you remember the title?
- In your opinion, was it a good title for this book? Why or why not?
- Were your predictions about the story correct?
- If there was a problem, did it get solved?
- What happened because of the problem?
- Why do you think the author wrote this book?
- What is the most important point the author is trying to make in his writing?
- What was your favourite part of the story?
- If you could change one thing in the story, what would it be?
- Can you retell the story in order?
- If you were __________, how would you have felt?
- What is the most interesting situation in the story?
Is there a character in the story like you? How are you alike?
Create a project
Play a game and review it
Giving directions
Science – Plants
By the end of this unit, children will understand what plants need in order to grow, thrive and survive. They will explore the life cycles of various plants that grow from seeds and bulbs and investigate how they change as they grow and develop.
Video of plant lifecycle- https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/z3wsbk7
Video of sunflower growing- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKo5IvvtnWw
Online free e-book- https://www.storyjumper.com/book/read/48723656/The-Life-Cycle-of-a-Sunflower#page/14
Online free e-book- https://www.storyjumper.com/book/read/20903278/The-Life-Cycle-of-a-Bean-Plant
Work- sunflower lifecycle cut & stick – Activity Sheet Sunflower Life Cycle
Art – Vincent Van Gogh
History/ Art – Sunflowers by Vincent Van Gogh
About Vincent Van Gogh-
Video– https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/z4pvcdm
Video 2
Work- about Sunflowers
Work- sunflower fork painting
Activity Sheet Sunflower Life Cycle t-tp-69775-ks1-sunflower-fork-painting-summer-art-activity-english-2
Handwriting sheet – Handwriting
Spelling – adding -es to nouns and verbs ending in -y
You can practice with the spelling tiles and practice/ test. You can also practice and consolidate by playing the Spelling minigolf game online.
Send us a picture on ClassDojo so show us how you’ve been practising spellings in a fun way.
PHSE – mindfulness
Children of all ages can benefit from mindfulness, the simple practice of bringing a gentle, accepting attitude to the present moment. It can help parents and caregivers, too, by promoting happiness and relieving stress.