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Welcome to Westminster Bridge Class.

Class teacher: Mrs Ramakrishnan

Teaching assistant: Miss Dale

Week Beginning 27th January 2020

January 25, 2020

Mordern Hall Park Trip – Thursday 30th January 2020

English – Writing
Here is the story of The Magic Paintbrush.

The Magic Brush

Long, long ago in Ancient China there lived a poor boy, who was called Chang. Although he loved drawing, Chang was too poor to have a paintbrush so he used a stick instead. He would draw in the sand or scratch marks on the walls.

Early one morning, Chang saw a large, silver fish trapped in the tall reeds by the riverbank. The fish were struggling to get free. He helped to release the fish because he felt sorry for them.

Later that day, Chang was sleeping. In his dream, a man dressed in a silver cloak spoke to him. “You are a kind boy Chang. I am giving you a magic brush. Use it to help the poor.” Chang woke with a start and lying beside him was a paintbrush.

So Chang painted the shape of a butterfly and to his amazement it changed into a real butterfly and flew away. Chang was delighted with this gift. He ran straight back to the village to see how he could help the poor people.

First, he painted a donkey for the young mother to help her carry her goods. Next he painted an ox to help the farmer pull his plough. After that he painted a hoe for the old lady to weed her garden. Everyday he found a new use for the paintbrush.

Unluckily, the Emperor heard of Chang and his magic brush. He sent for Chang and ordered him to paint a field of gold. Chang didn’t want to obey the greedy Emperor so he drew a sea with a tiny island in the distance.

 “Where is my field of gold?” shouted the Emperor, angrily.

“Just here,” replied Chang, drawing a tiny field on the island.

 “Paint me a boat so that I can travel to the island,” snarled the Emperor. So Chang painted a boat. The Emperor climbed onto the boat. Chang drew the north wind blowing towards the island.

 “I’m going too slowly,” roared the Emperor. “Paint stronger wind.” “So Chang drew a storm. Suddenly, the waves grew rougher and rougher until the boat capsized and the Emperor disappeared. Then Chang drew a white horse so that he could ride home and tell his friends what had happened to the Emperor who wanted too much for himself.

This week we will be answering questions on the story of The Magic Brush in order to deepen their understanding. The children will have a variety of questions, including choice, retrieval and interpreting.


This week the children will  write and edit their own innovated version of ‘The Magic Paintbrush’.


Maths – Shape

  • To draw 2D shapes
  • To understand lines of symmertry
  • To sort 2D shapes
  • To make patterns with 2D shapes

– To draw 2D shapes

Childrern will be provided with dotted paper and they will use a ruler to draw 2D shapes. We will discuss where is best for chidlren to start.

– Understand lines of symmetry

Something is symmetrical when it is the same on both sides. A shape has symmetry if a central dividing line (a mirror line) can be drawn on it, to show that both sides of the shape are exactly the same. Children will first practically fold paper ‘2d’ shapes to check for lines of symmetry.

– To sort 2D shapes
Children will sort 2D shapes according to different properties.


-To make patterns with 2D shapes.

We will discuss what shape may come next. What colour will the 9th shape be? ETC.


English- reading
We will continue to read The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me by Roald Dahl. We will also be learning some new reading skills as a whole class using ERIC. The children will build their repertoire of different reading skills through the year.
When reading with your child, please use VIPERS when asking them questions on the book they are reading.
Reading books are changed on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

We will be attending Modern Hall Park where we will be comparing animal habitats. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately (including footwear) for the weather as we will be spending the majority of our time outside.

Our ICT slot is on Tuesday afternoon. We are photographers is the name of our new unit. In this unit, the children review photos online, practise using a digital camera, take photos to fit a given theme, edit their photos, and then select their best images. Children will also select images to create a comic.


Florence Nightingale. The children will continue to explore Florence Nightingale. We will be comparing the conditions in Scutari hospital before and after Florence Nightingale. The children be writing about the differences in a diary form.

Ministrings will continue every Wednesday. This week we will play some instruments that belong in the string family.
Our PE slot is on Monday afternoon. We are currently focusing on balance and co-ordination whilst jumping.
Please ensure all children have their full PE kit in school (fully named).
We will think about the role of medicine in modern society.
We will be thinking about the use of medicine in modern society. We will be thinking about children’s experience with medicine and how medicine can help us to feel better. We will talk about the different ways in which medicine can be administered.

Is your child an author?


If yes, head over to Grant Koper’s website. Your child has the opportunity to have their story published on his website and their story read out of YouTube by Grant himself!!!

Week Beginning 20th January 2020

January 18, 2020

Mordern Hall Park Trip – Thursday 30th January 2020

English – Writing
Here is the story of The Magic Paintbrush.

The Magic Brush

Long, long ago in Ancient China there lived a poor boy, who was called Chang. Although he loved drawing, Chang was too poor to have a paintbrush so he used a stick instead. He would draw in the sand or scratch marks on the walls.

Early one morning, Chang saw a large, silver fish trapped in the tall reeds by the riverbank. The fish were struggling to get free. He helped to release the fish because he felt sorry for them.

Later that day, Chang was sleeping. In his dream, a man dressed in a silver cloak spoke to him. “You are a kind boy Chang. I am giving you a magic brush. Use it to help the poor.” Chang woke with a start and lying beside him was a paintbrush.

So Chang painted the shape of a butterfly and to his amazement it changed into a real butterfly and flew away. Chang was delighted with this gift. He ran straight back to the village to see how he could help the poor people.

First, he painted a donkey for the young mother to help her carry her goods. Next he painted an ox to help the farmer pull his plough. After that he painted a hoe for the old lady to weed her garden. Everyday he found a new use for the paintbrush.

Unluckily, the Emperor heard of Chang and his magic brush. He sent for Chang and ordered him to paint a field of gold. Chang didn’t want to obey the greedy Emperor so he drew a sea with a tiny island in the distance.

 “Where is my field of gold?” shouted the Emperor, angrily.

“Just here,” replied Chang, drawing a tiny field on the island.

 “Paint me a boat so that I can travel to the island,” snarled the Emperor. So Chang painted a boat. The Emperor climbed onto the boat. Chang drew the north wind blowing towards the island.

 “I’m going too slowly,” roared the Emperor. “Paint stronger wind.” “So Chang drew a storm. Suddenly, the waves grew rougher and rougher until the boat capsized and the Emperor disappeared. Then Chang drew a white horse so that he could ride home and tell his friends what had happened to the Emperor who wanted too much for himself.

This week we will be answering questions on the story of The Magic Brush in order to deepen their understanding. The children will have a variety of questions, including choice, retrieval and interpreting.

The children have enjoyed looking The Magic Brush’ story so far. This week we will be retelling the story through drama. We will then be using the ‘warning tale toolkit’ to box up the story into different sections.

The children will use this tool kit to innovate their own version of a warning story. We will be encouraging children to ‘show not tell’.


Maths – Division


  • To divide by 10
  • To recognise 2D and 3D shapes
  • To count sides on 2D shapes

To make equal groups by sharing, divide 16 oranges equally between 4 families

Share 6 cookies between 2 people.

To divide by 10

Children will practically group and share objects. Children will be encouraged to use number lines to share objects between 10 people. When dividing by ten, children will be encouraged to use their knowledge of their 10 x tables. 


To recognise 2D and  3d shapes

We will be investigating 2D and 3D shapes. Children will explore the difference between 2D and 3D shapes. 2D shapes are flat and 3D shapes have volume.

To count sides on 2D shapes

Children will count the sides on 2d shapes. They will see 2D shapes in different ways.


English- reading
We will continue to read The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me by Roald Dahl. We will also be learning some new reading skills as a whole class using ERIC. The children will build their repertoire of different reading skills through the year.
When reading with your child, please use VIPERS when asking them questions on the book they are reading.


The new unit for science is Living Things and Their Habitats.
We will continue to pre-teach vocabulary for local habitats and microhabitats.
Microhabitat, damp/wet/dry, dark/light, features, habitat, savannah, rainforest, tundra, microhabitat, features

Our ICT slot is on Tuesday afternoon. We are photographers is the name of our new unit. In this unit, the children review photos online, practise using a digital camera, take photos to fit a given theme, edit their photos, and then select their best images. Children will also select images to create a comic.


Florence Nightingale. The children will continue to explore Florence Nightingale. We will be comparing the conditions in Scutari hospital before and after Florence Nightingale. The children be writing about the differences in a diary form.

Ministrings will continue every Wednesday. This week we will play some instruments that belong in the string family.
Our PE slot is on Monday afternoon. We are currently focusing on balance and co-ordination whilst jumping.
Please ensure all children have their full PE kit in school (fully named).
We will  continue to think  about goal setting, targets and resolutions.

Is your child an author?


If yes, head over to Grant Koper’s website. Your child has the opportunity to have their story published on his website and their story read out of YouTube by Grant himself!!!


Week Beginning 6th January 2010

January 5, 2020

English – Writing

This week, the children will be introduced to a new warning tale. Warning tales are stories with a moral message warning of the consequences of certain actions, inactions, or character flaws.

The name of this warning tale is called ‘The Magic Brush’. This week the children will have a vocabulary focus where we discuss the meaning of unknown words. We will further look into phrases and grammar from the story.

Towards the end of the week, we will plot the story of The Magic Brush.

English- reading
We will continue to read  The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me by Roald Dahl. We will also be learning some new reading skills as a whole class using ERIC. The children will build their repertoire of different reading skills through the year.
When reading with your child, please use VIPERS when asking them questions on the book they are reading.

Maths  (Multiplication)

    • To use arrays to solve multiplication problems
    • To learn the 2x tables
    • To learn the 5x tables
    • To learn the 10x tables
  • Using arrays to solve multiplication problems

Arrays can be used for building multiplication facts in a meaningful way. Before drilling and memorising tables, children must understand how these facts are derived. For example, by progressively adding another column of three objects, children can build the three-times tables for themselves.

To learn the 2,5 and 10 x tables the children will:
– Look at patterns and rules – 2 and 10 times tables the numbers are even. In the 5 times tables, they end in a 5 or 0.

-Look at the rules of commutativity
– Oral activities – songs, rhymes and raps help young children to memorise multiplication facts
-Practical activities – flashing 5 fingers

The new unit for science is Living Things and Their Habitats.  Children will sort different objects in to living, once living and non-living.
Examples of living things – baby, butterfly, oak tree, goldfish
Examples of things that were once alive – leather bag, cotton jumper
Examples of non-living things –  plastic bag, metal

Our ICT slot is on Tuesday afternoon. We are game testers. During this unit, the children will play and evaluate simple scratch games. We will discuss age ratings and increasing game addiction.


Florence Nightingale. The children will write a factfile about Florence Nightingale.


We will continue to explore line and tone. The children will draw different facial parts by taking a line for a walk. They will draw a mouth, an eye, an ear and a nose without lifting their pencil form the paper. The children will apply this to Florence Nightingale. The children will draw a portrait of Florence Nightingale by taking their pencil for a walk.

Ministrings will continue every Wednesday. This week we will play some instruments that belong in the string family.
Our PE slot is on Monday afternoon. We are currently focusing on balance and co-ordination.
Please ensure all children have their full PE kit in school (fully named).
We have introduced the children to a programme called Zones of Regulation which we are hoping will help regulate feelings and emotions and offer the children the correct way to talk about their feelings. This week  we will continue to  think of suitable ways to regulate their feelings and match emotions to different zones.

Is your child an author?


If yes, head over to Grant Koper’s website. Your child has the opportunity to have their story published on his website and their story read out of YouTube by Grant himself!!!


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