Welcome to Westminster Bridge Class.
Class teacher: Mrs Ramakrishnan
Teaching assistant: Miss Dale
We will start a new book called The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me by Roald Dahl. We will also be learning some new reading skills as a whole class using ERIC. The children will build their repertoire of different reading skills through the year. |
Maths Money
- to find change
- to solve two step problems with money
- to recognise equal groups
- to find change
Children will work out how much change they should receive by either subtracting the total from the amount paid, or counting up to find the difference. - to solve two step problems with money
A two-step problem is a word problem that requires two operations to solve it. This means that children must be familiar with the vocabulary associated with the mathematical symbols they are used to, in order to make sense of the word problem.
An example of a two-step problem involving money: an orange cost 18p and apple cost 32p. How much change would you get from £1.
Children need to first add the total cost of the apple and orange and then take it away from £1.
- to recognise equal groups
Children will understand that equal means the same/it has to be fair
The children will decorate Father Christmas, ready for the Christmas Fair.
Is your child an author?
If yes, head over to Grant Koper’s website. Your child has the opportunity to have their story published on his website and their story read out of YouTube by Grant himself!!!
We will start a new book called The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me by Roald Dahl. We will also be learning some new reading skills as a whole class using ERIC. The children will build their repertoire of different reading skills through the year. |
Maths We have moved on to money.
- To make the same amounts using different notes and coins
- To compare money
- to find the total
- to make the difference using money
Children will use their knowledge of counting in pounds and pence to compare different amounts.
- to find the total
Children will add up pounds and pence in order to find a total
Our ICT slot is on Tuesday afternoon. We are game testers. During this unit, the children will play and evaluate simple scratch games. We will discuss age ratings and increasing game addiction.
Florence Nightingale will be introduced to the children. The children we be shown several pictures of Florence Nightingale and then they will answer questions to help them get an understanding of her life.
The children will answer questions such as who do you think this woman is. Does her uniform tell you about her job? Why is she special? etc
We will continue to explore line and tone. The children will draw different facial parts by taking a line for a walk. They will draw a mouth, an eye, an ear and a nose without lifting their pencil form the paper.
Is your child an author?
If yes, head over to Grant Koper’s website. Your child has the opportunity to have their story published on his website and their story read out of YouTube by Grant himself!!!