Welcome to Westminster Bridge Class.
Class teacher: Mrs Ramakrishnan
Teaching assistant: Miss Dale
English- Writing
We are continuing to work with Leon and the Place Between by Grahame Baker-Smith.
We will be thinking about the vocabulary and phrases in the story and using these to make our own writing more interesting. We will be using dictionaries to discover the meaning of new words.
We will also be thinking carefully about the structure of our text and how it fits in with a portal toolkit before planning our own stories based on Leon & the Place Between.
English- reading
We have started our whole class read: Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl.
We will also be learning some new reading skills as a whole class using ERIC. The children will build their repertoire of different reading skills through the year.
We are continuing with the maths block: Number & Place Value.
This week we are
- using place value charts to partition two-digit numbers
- comparing objects
- comparing numbers (using the symbols < less than, > greater than and = equals)
- ordering numbers
- counting in 2’s
We will be learning more about Amy Johnson. We will be thinking about her momentous journey and the type of equipment she would need to take with her.
We will be starting to think about Materials and their uses.
We are awaiting ICT slots and will keep you posted ASAP ?
Mnistrings will start on Wednesday 18th September. More information will follow soon.
Our PE slot is on Monday afternoon.
Please ensure all children have their full PE kit in school (fully named).
We have introduced the children to a programme called Zones of Regulation which we are hoping will help regulate feelings and emotions and offer the children the correct way to talk about their feelings.
We have also continued to consolidate the school’s policy of Good to be Green and the 5C’s.
We are so looking forward to teaching your children this year and have a full curriculum planned 🙂
This blog is to ensure you are up to date with the current learning in class and can be updated quickly with new information.
English- Writing
We have started a new text this week called Leon and the Place Between by Grahame Baker-Smith.
We will be thinking carefully about the vocabulary associated with magic/ shows and circuses before learning about the new vocabulary within the text. We will also be understanding the story more in depth and will be able to answer questions about it. As a class we will be writing the first part of the story using a picture cue. Our teachers will be encouraging us to ‘show not tell’ when we write to ensure that our writing is imaginative and creative.
English- reading
We have started our whole class read: Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl.
We will also be learning some new reading skills as a whole class using ERIC. The children will build their repertoire of different reading skills through the year.
We have started our first maths block: Number & Place Value.
This week we are
- counting objects to 100
- reading & writing numbers to 100
- representing numbers to 100 (using dienes, tens frames, bead strings, numicon, bundles) The key strategy being that children have to understand groups of tens and ones.
- using part-whole models to partition
- understanding the expanded form to partition (example: 55= 50+5 or 70+9=79)
We will be starting to think about Amy Johnson; a pioneering woman pilot who flew from Croydon airport to Australia on her own!
We will be starting to think about Materials and their uses.
We are awaiting ICT slots and will keep you posted ASAP 🙂
Mnistrings will start on Wednesday 18th September. More information will follow soon.
We are awaiting PE slots and will keep you posted ASAP 🙂
We have introduced the children to a programme called Zones of Regulation which we are hoping will help regulate feelings and emotions and offer the children the correct way to talk about their feelings.
We have also continued to consolidate the school’s policy of Good to be Green and the 5C’s.