Welcome to Westminster Bridge Class.
Class teacher: Mrs Ramakrishnan
Teaching assistant: Miss Dale
We are continuing to recap all strands of the maths curriculum. We will be looking at shape this week.
Geography / science
We will be consolidating our understanding of habitats around the world using maps with different animals on them. For example, your children should now know that a polar bear cannot live in a desert habitat and why. We will also be consolidating locating and naming the seven continents and five oceans of the world (this time without an atlas)!
We will also be looking at how humans can keep healthy e.g diet, hygiene and exercise.
Important information
Key Stage 1 Sports Day
Thursday 11th July at the Old Whitgiftian’s Sports Club. Please return the yellow slips if you have not done so already.
You should have received a letter on Friday about a picnic on Monday 22nd July.
We will be writing our own police reports before moving onto our new key text: The Fisherman and His Wife. Thank you for reading this with your children over the half term; it will really benefit our learning.
We will be recapping money (finding different combinations to make the same amount and problem solving), recapping time and problem solving with fractions.
We are hoping to link our work on hot and cold colours to geography and will be looking at hot and cold countries in relation to the equator.
Geography / science
We will be consolidating our understanding of habitats around the world using maps with different animals on them. For example, your children should now know that a polar bear cannot live in a desert habitat and why.
We will be exploring the Arctic habitat. We will also be looking at how humans can keep healthy e.g diet, hygiene and exercise.
We are going to be making the most of the good weather this term. We will be doing ball skills with tennis/ basketball and skipping.
Important information
There will be a special visitor in Year 2 on Friday. Please check the blog again next week for more information!
Key Stage 1 Sports Day
Thursday 11th July at the Old Whitgiftian’s Sports Club