Welcome to Westminster Bridge Class.
Class teacher: Mrs Ramakrishnan
Teaching assistant: Miss Dale
We will be continuing our work on police reports. The children will be planning and writing their own.
We will be recapping estimating, the commutativity of addition (e.g adding numbers in an any order and getting the same answer), multiplication and division facts and the commutativity of multiplication (multiplying numbers in any order).
We are hoping to link our work on hot and cold colours to geography and will be looking at hot and cold countries in relation to the equator.
We will be naming and locating the 7 continents and 5 oceans of the world.
We will be exploring the Arctic habitat. We will also be looking at how humans can keep healthy e.g diet, hygiene and exercise.
We are going to be making the most of the good weather this term. We will be doing ball skills with tennis/ basketball and skipping.
Important information
Key Stage 1 Sports Day
Thursday 11th July at the Old Whitgiftian’s Sports Club
We will be spending the first week back writing police reports based on our key text from last half term: Tuesday.
We will be recapping all of our maths learning from the year, starting with number and place value. This is a good way to ensure that the children have a sound understanding of each of the maths strands. We will still be having structured lessons in the same format as usual.
We will be creating our own colour wheels based on Kandinsky’s work.
We will be naming and locating the 7 continents and 5 oceans of the world.
We will be exploring the desert habitat. We will also be looking at how humans can keep healthy e.g diet, hygiene and exercise.
We are going to be making the most of the good weather this term. We will be doing ball skills with tennis/ basketball and skipping.
Important information
Key Stage 1 Sports Day
Thursday 11th July at the Old Whitgiftian’s Sports Club