Welcome to Westminster Bridge Class.
Class teacher: Mrs Ramakrishnan
Teaching assistant: Miss Dale
Happy New Year! We hope you all had a restful break. Thank you so very much for your generous gifts and festive wishes.
We have a very exciting half term planned!
We will be looking at a traditional warning tale: The Magic Brush. Some of the key vocab that we will be focusing on includes: ox, hoe, struggle, obey, capsize and Emperor. We will be answering questions about the text, including looking at the moral of the story.
Our new class read will be The Hodgeheg by Dick-King-Smith. We will be doing lots of reading comprehension style activities based on the text in preparation for the SATs in May.
This week we will be looking at the 5 and 10 x table. We will also be completing an assessment on money.
We will be completing a timeline of Florence Nightingale’s life before making fact files about her.
We will be moving on to looking at plants. We will be finding out and describing what plants need in order to grow. The children will be hypothesising and planning their own investigations.
We will be using a picture as a stimulus for our writing this week. We hope that the children will be able to use all of the vocabulary and grammar that has been embedded in our learning from last week to write a narrative.
We will be finishing reading The Giraffe, The Pelly and Me by Roald Dahl.
We will be continuing our work on multiplication and division. This week we will be making mulitplication sentences using pictures. We are building on the idea of recognising equal groups. For example if there are three equal groups with 2 in each group then we would say there are 3 x 2 (three groups of two). We will also be using arrays to represent multiplication number sentences.
We will be making information booklets about Florence Nightingale based on what we have learnt so far.
Class Christmas parties will be taking place on Wednesday 19th. We have decided to ask for a voluntary contribution of 50p for each child. We are then going to get a range of food etc that the children have suggested. We believe this will reduce the amount of food that is wasted and make things easier for you! Thanks. 🙂