Day 1 of our Breathing Challenge

To celebrate together Children’s Mental Health Week, we have created a new challenge for children and adults  to take part in.

GROWING TOGETHER also means getting out of our comfort zone to learn something new. This develops thinking skills, resilience, adaptability and positive attitude. They are all valuable skills to protect our mental health and wellbeing.



Breathing is a very powerful tool to improve and maintain positive mental health.
It can energise you, relax you and give you extra thinking space.

By doing this challenge  you will learn 5 different types of breathing techniques.

Watch the video and get practising! You can do it on your own, with friends, with the whole class, with your family or with your pet.


Record yourself by taking a picture, a video or a drawing. You can even write about it or compose a song.

Share your recordings with your teachers.

Miss Ancel and Mrs Pollington will choose 2 winners for Reception, 2 for KS1 and 2 for KS2 on 23rd February 2022.

The winners will be announced on 25th February at Merit Assembly.


The winners will take part in an amazing fidget making master class with Miss Ancel and Mrs Pollington.
We will be using food items such as flour, rice, beans ( and lots of balloons) to make stress busting fidgets. Some will be for you to keep , some will be to share with your class.


Mrs Pollington and Miss Ancel

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