Earth Hour 2020
Good morning everybody,
This is a message from Howard’s Eco Reps.
Over the last weeks, we had started to compile a range of activities we wanted to suggest to you for Earth Hour, which is tonight at 20:30. We will be switching our lights off to show our awareness of problems around the protection of Earth, sustainability, the responsible use of resources etc.
Check out the official website:
Here are our suggestions:
- Task: Write a poem about or to nature sharing your admiration of nature, your concerns, your pledges (what you could do to help). Then read it to another person or – sounds strange – to a plant.
“A voice for the planet” – Letter writing: Pretending to be “Mother” or “Father Nature”, write a letter to an important (maybe not so eco-friendly person/politician/…) voicing your pains and concerns and ask for immediate, specific action.
Writing Pledges: Write a pledge/plan of action that you promise to take in order to help protect our planet.
An Earth-Hour Game: Create a game with an environmental topic (e.g. Taboo/Speak out, Pictionary … – Eco-Version of Monopoly might take very long, though).
e.g. Pick 10 Topic words (related to Earth Hour, the Environment, …) and write them on a card each.
Then, to each word, decide on 5 taboo words that must not be mentioned when explain/describing the topic word,
Play the game with a partner,
- Howard’s Eco Bunting: Create bunting with a clear about: Why it is important to use resources on our planet responsibly and sustainably (so that future generations have the same access to the resources like electricity, water etc.)
- Make your message clear: This year’s mission: “A voice for the planet”
- You can choose your template. Remember to use colouring pencils (no felt-tips as they don’t show a sensible use of resources).
- Visit this website first for project ideas:
Remember to send your work (or a picture of it) to …
…so that we can display them on the blogs and website.
With a big thank you from your Eco Reps