Final term in Reception
Week beginning 12th June 2017
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”raised” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#affbf1″ border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Dear Parents/Carers of Grosvenor Class
We wish to thank you for your understanding over the past few weeks and for supporting Miss Kowalczyk who has been covering Grosvenor Class during Mrs Keer’s absence.
I am sure you are aware that we are fast approaching the end of your child’s year in Reception. As such we are taking steps to prepare your child for their transition into Year 1 in September and so we ask that you please support us to ensure your child makes a smooth transition over the remaining few weeks. You could help us to do this by ensuring that your child enters the classroom by themselves so they can make a swift start to their morning routines.
You could start by:
• saying your goodbyes in the hallway and swiftly exiting to allow other parents to do the same as the hallway can become quite crowded in the mornings
• handing your child their book bag and other belongings before they enter the school building, giving them an opportunity to develop a sense of independence and self-confidence
If you have any concerns about your child separating from you in the morning, please let us know so we can discuss a few strategies that may help develop their sense of independence.
Thank you, if this is something you are already doing with your child.
Kind regards
Miss Pillay
Early Years Lead [/dropshadowbox]