Monday 22nd January

My apologies for not updating this yesterday.

This week we will be covering the following learning objectives in:


This week we will be continuing to work on the Chinese folktale ‘The Magic Paintbrush’. We will be planning an alternative story based on The Magic Paintbrush and writing our own warning tales magpieing ideas from each other and the original story. We will be sharing our stories with our friends and asking them for their opinions. We will be editing and making our stories better.

I am looking forward to reading the warning stories the children wrote as part of their homework.


We are really enjoying The Hodgeheg by Dick King-Smith. We have already learnt lots of exciting new vocabulary. Our favourite word last week last week was ‘catapulted’.

Phonics/ SPaG

We will be focusing on the spelling of a range of words using alternative spellings this week to check and consolidate our understanding.


We are continuing to look at money.

We are focusing on finding the total of amounts and finding the difference (giving change). The final part of our maths learning will be on two-step problems.

The children will need a strong understanding of place value (even over 100) for calculating with £’s and pence. They will also need to practice counting in 2’s, 5’s, 10’s and 20’s for more efficient strategies.

At the end of the week/ the start of next week we will be starting the new concept of multiplication and division. We will start by look at how to make equal groups by sharing and grouping.


We have started the Zippy’s Friends project which will run for most of the year. After each of the six modules we will send home an activity for your child to complete. This will give you an insight to what it is all about. Please speak to your child about these sessions as they are all very excited about the project! So far we have discussed things that make us feel happy/ sad and what we can do to help us feel better. In this module we will also be looking at anger, jealousy and embarrassment. I was extremely impressed with the maturity shown by the whole class.


We are going to be doing dance on a Monday and doing circuit training on Thursdays.


We are starting to look at differences between plants and animals and variation between animals.


A polite reminder that I have been setting homework every week on mathletics. The expectation is that this is completed by the Tuesday of the following week.

Important information

This Wednesday (24th January) there will be a parent workshop in the main hall focusing on how to keep your child safe online. Please attend if you can as it is bound to be very informative. We have been talking about the safety of online games in class and what makes a safe username (i.e does not give out personal information such as names, date of birth or school name).