Monday 4th November, 2019

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#adf8d8″ border_width=”3″ border_color=”#754646″ ]We had a lovely start to Autumn Term 2 and all the children have settled into our class routines with ease as well as started their new learning journey with our topic ‘ Sort It Out’.[/dropshadowbox]

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”raised” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#d4f224″ border_width=”3″ border_color=”#3c21eb” ]Dates for the Diary… Wednesday 6th November – Local area walk at 9:10 am. Please speak to the class teacher if you are able to come with us. We will be back in school by 10:30 am. This walk is linked to our Geography curriculum about learning where we live and finding out about what amenities are available in our locality.[/dropshadowbox]

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#f78acd” border_width=”3″ border_color=”#050408″ ]Dates for the Diary… Apologies for the error about Year 1 Christmas Play. It is on Wednesday 11th December.[/dropshadowbox]

Our Mathletics Champions this week are…

Super Mathlete

Lambeth Class – Shauna (3460 Points), Yusuf ( 2320 Points)

Vauxhall Class – Aayush ( 5715 Points), Ishmael (3760 Points)

Gold Award :

Lambeth Class – Aliyah

Silver Award

Lambeth Class – Shauna, Olivier, Sakhile, Luke, Stanley, Emily

Vauxhall Class – Fabeha, Yigit Emre

Bronze Award

Lambeth Class – Yusuf, Michael, Barin, Aliyah, Shauna, Hasan, Anaya, Jennifer, Mustafa, Sakhile, Kevin, Bonnie, Tome, Brady, Olivier

Vauxhall Class – Aayush x2, Ishmael x 2, Logan x2, Yigit Emre, Alesha, Agyeiwaa, Hamza x 2, Kelcia, Mah’ree

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”perspective-left” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#a2e4ed” border_width=”3″ border_color=”#f7372d” ]Our Learning this week…[/dropshadowbox]


We continue our learning about poetry. Children will identify the different features of a poem – verses/ stanzas, rhymes, repititive words / phrases, onomatopoeic words, alliteration. They will read a range of poems about fireworks, identify key vocabulary, generate their own word bank, write and edit their own firework poems.

Check out this firework poem


Children will continue their learning about subtraction. They will use the key vocabulary – subtract, take away, minus, fewer, less and understand how to subtract using different resources – ten frame, part/part whole, number lines etc… They will begin to reason and explain their thinking as well as solve simple problems. Please practise subtraction using number rhymes.


Children will begin to learn about the different types of materials – metal,plastic, fabric, glass, wood, paper etc…They will sort materials into groups on the basis of their properties and begin to distinguish between an object and material from which it is made.

Children will also continue their learning about seasons focusing on Autumn.

We will also investigate – Are taller people older?


Children will develop their skills using different media to create firework pictures.


Children will continue developing different ways of travelling as well as develop their core strength and balance.


During ICT sessions, we will be learning to use technology purposefully to create, organise store and retrieve digital content-log on, type name and surname, change font, size, colour and type a sentence using capital letter, space and full stop. Children will watch Hector’s world.


We will be celebrating ‘Black History Month’. Our class will be talking about ‘Barack Obama’. Who is he? Why he is special? What did he do? Where did he live?


Please continue to practice sound recognition with your child. Encourage them to apply their phonic knowledge every time you read or write with them.


We will be learning to form the numbers correctly and begin to learn the cursive script starting with the letters c, a, o, d.


Please support your child to do the investigation – Are taller people older?

Please hand it in by Wednesday 6th November 2019

Please continue …

*Mathletics-your child’s user name and the password are attached in your child’s yellow Reading Record book.

*Reading daily to develop fluency and comprehension skills.

*Play phonics games on Phonics Play / Starfall Phonics