Monday 5th October, 2020

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We are happy to say that the children have settled well, in our classes and learning enthusiastically. We continue our Recovery transition curriculum and our day is organised with carpet sessions and planned free flow which encompasses the different curriculum areas.

If your child is unable to come into school for any reason, please call the school office to let them know.

For other enquiries please email

If you are still not receiving text messages or emails from the school, please let us know immediately.


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Homework is set on Google Classroom.

Please also complete the Mathletics Challenges as it reflects out learning in class. This enables your child to win certificates as well as practise and consolidate their learning.


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School Lunches

School lunches are provided every day at 11.45. A weekly menu has been sent home every Friday. Kindly fill this in with your child and return every Monday morning as you drop off your child. We appreciate your support and co-operation with this to enable us to to have a smooth transition at lunch times. If your child has a packed lunch, please indicate this on the menu choice letter. [/dropshadowbox]

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Congratulations to our Merit card winners !

Lambeth Class 

Caitlin : For being a super learner and having a positive attitude towards all fer learning challenges. You are always kind, considerate and polite. So proud of you.

Mirac : For always trying his best and staying committed to his learning. Well done! 

Vauxhall Class 

Whole Class : For working as a team and helping each other during paired work.


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Well done to our Mathletics Champions! 

Vauxhall Class : Ethan, Zynah

Lambeth Class : Mirac. Rocco, Tate, Yaseen, Arbi, Danielle, Aliyah, Leanne, Maria, Umaira, Dakshakkavin, Tarun

Vauxhall Class : Jai, Luca, zaara, Prithvi, Ethan, Zynah


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We continue our learning with our Science based topic ‘ Amazing Me’.


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Our learning this week…


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We are continuing to learn about the seaside  / pictures related to our focus text and discussing with our partners how to look at a picture and describe it and annotate it. Please support your child to continue developing their vocabulary about islands, beaches, seaside – what wildlife can you see around, what activities can you you do, how can we describe the sea …


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We continue to develop an understanding of numbers 11-20. We are learning how to recognise the ‘teen numbers’, order them, understand the value and how to represent them using pictures, ten frame, numicon, counting beads. 

Please support your child to do the practise sheets we sent home on Friday.


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We continue our learning about the five senses – sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste.


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PE lessons will take place twice a week.

Lambeth Class: Monday & Thursday

Vauxhall Class: Monday & Thursday

On their PE day,children must attend school in their PE kit, (jogging bottoms-Black or navy blue are permitted), school shoes and school cardigan or jumper.

Please send their black plimsolls or PE trainers in their PE kit bag, which will stay at school for use during PE lessons. A spare set of clothes may also be stored in the PE kit bag.

We are focusing on different ways of travelling, static balances and developing skills – throwing and catching.


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We continue developing our understanding of the different feelings using the zones of Regulation. We also continue developing strategies to calm down if we are feeling emotional especially anxious using different breathing techniques.

We are also developing our understanding of the 5 School core values – care, consideration, courtesy, co-operation and commitment.

This week we will focus on care – how do we care about each other, how do we show we care.


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We will continue to focus on e-safety and the importance of being safe when using the internet.

