Southwark News Week Beginning 10th July 2017
Southwark Class Update wk beginning 10th July
Quick reminder that in this warmer weather your child will still be outside daily for play times and P.E lessons so sunhats and sunglasses as well as sun cream are essential.
Unfortunately, there will be no more class books sent home until next term as we have had a spate of books being returned to our book corner in terrible states-some shockingly with swear words written on them and many ripped. As you know more than £600 was spent on brand new books for Southwark class in September. If your child has any class books at home please can they be returned by the end of this week (14.7.17) so we can stock take.
Literacy-For the last two weeks we will be studying the book-How to Train your Dragon by Cressida Cowell focusing in on identifying main ideas drawn from more than one paragraph and summarising these as well as drawing inferences such as inferring characters’ feelings, thoughts and motives from their actions, and justifying inferences with evidence.
Our grammar focus will be pronouns, modal verbs and subordinating conjunctions.
Maths-We will be refining our written multiplication and division methods to support the transition to year 5.
Science-We will be continuing our electricity unit, focusing on electrical safety.
D&T-We will be beginning to make our night lights.
P.E-We will be continuing to practise tennis and rounders.
P.S.H.E-We will be beginning our transition unit-Changes getting ready for the new academic year.