Southwark News Week Beginning 15th January 2018

In Southwark Class our learning next week will be as follows;

  • In Maths we will be consolidating our learning of multiplying by ten and hundred and then moving on to dividing by 10 and 100. Current Maths guidance emphasises the importance of children recognising x10 as making the total ten times larger and x100 as making the total one hundred times larger. Please can you remind your child of this and the fact that whilst in most cases it does look like you just need to add or subtract 0 or 00 that this isn’t the case. This will help your child immensely as they begin multiplying and dividing decimals later this term.   Please come and chat to me if you need any support explaining this to your child.  We have been learning that when you calculate 6×100, each of the ones becomes 100 times bigger. 
  • In English we will be learning the pattern of story The Great Kapok Tree by Lynne Cherry off by heart with actions internalising the writer’s language. We will then be retelling the story with drama and writing a story map to track the structure of the story. If you would like to share this story at home with your child you can watch the full story on the link below.
  • In Topic time we will learn about the valuable resources which come from Rain forests.
  • In RE we will be continuing our learning about Sikhism during ppa time.
  • In French we will be beginning to learn the days of the week in order to work towards being able to say the date in French. We will also continue to revise numbers to 50 and the link below can support your child learn these numbers.

    Successes this Week

  • Thank you for your continued support with your child’s reading at home. A much improved 24 out of 28 children read often at home this week.
  • Vishal, Olivia, Joshua and Fawwaz all received merit cards this week. Well done!
  • Anomiga is yet again our reader of the week. Well done Anomiga!