Southwark News Week Beginning 19th March
In Southwark Class this week our learning will be as follows;
- In Mathematics we will revise our previous learning that a fraction is an equal part of a whole and move on to adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator. As I mentioned to many of you already at parents’ evening there are many good websites to support your child with their fractions learning and I have included a couple below:
- In English we will move on from our recount writing to start a new text-The Fire Maker’s Daughter by Phillip Pullman. Our initial focus will be engaging in the story through drama and writing in role. If you would like to buy the text for your child to read along with you at home. Please see the link below.–FMU2&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI4unGhKv22QIVqrXtCh3g0A1oEAQYASABEgIg7fD_BwE
They could also follow the story a chapter at a time on youtube
- In topic time we will be continuing our Rain forest theme by learning about Fairtrade foods and their journey from Rain forest countries to our chops and supermarkets. Thank you in advance for those parents who had shared their chocolate recipes with their children to share for homework on Friday.
- In PE we will develop our racket skills and finishing our gymnastics sequencing unit.
- During the week we will also be continuing our French topic on the date and continuing our Apple’s Friends lessons in P.S.H.E
I enjoyed talking to parents at parents evening on 14th March and am looking forward to seeing all remaining parents on Wednesday 21st March.
Congratulations go to Roshan this week who is our Reader of the week and to Tyler, Joshua, Anomiga, Limar and Daniel who all received merit cards.
A quiet reminder that the £4.50 for the Ranger Russ visit is now due in on Parent Pay. The children all really enjoyed the experience as you can see in the pictures in my previous blog and it would be a real shame if we would not be able to offer this experience again next year.