Southwark News Week beginning 25th September 2017
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]This week we will be learning:[/dropshadowbox]
We will be continuing our three week unit learning about and writing explanation texts. This week we will be investigating explanation texts and beginning to plan our own around the theme-How to Draw Horrid Henry. In spelling, we will be practising words with the prefix in such as infinite, inedible and indecisive. This poster may be helpful in helping your child learn these words at home. A4 Poster
We will be continuing our daily guided reading. Every child has a weekly focus session with me and follow up tasks to complete independently which are then reviewed at the beginning of the next teacher led session.
Our focus this half term is on number and place value. We will be continuing to become fluent with 4 digit numbers with a strong focus on reasoning and explaining our understanding.
In addition to our weekly ICT lessons year 4 will be starting a touch typing course next week. If you would like to continue this work at home the website is free of charge and can be found on the link below.
PE is on a Tuesday and Thursday. Please keep p.e kits at school as we are lucky enough to be able to do additional p.e on occasion and will use p.e shoes for our daily mile. P.E kits will be sent home at half term. Please make sure all items are named including the p.e bag as this helps us prevent items going missing.
We will be looking at Judaism in particular the Jewish celebrations and customs. This will be taught by our PPA teachers on a Wednesday morning.
We will be looking at new beginnings and settling in to a new school year.
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Key Information[/dropshadowbox]
Reading books are changed by your child during early morning work at the start of each day. We expect your child to read to you every evening and for this to be recorded in their reading record. You can:
- Just sign or initial.
- Write a comment e.g if the book was challenging, too easy, any particular words your child found difficult to read, any questions that you asked and your child’s response
Children receive a marble (class reward) for each time they read. Well done to Emmanuel who is our reader of the week this week!
Additional well done to:
Brayen who received a merit card for his outstanding team work in p.e with Mrs Adams. As well as, Aella, Vishal, Jaida, Roshan, Tyler, Limar, Emmanuel and Stefan who all received merit cards for always demonstrating the 5cs and having an excellent start to year 4.
Homework will be given out on a Friday afternoon. We expect it to be completed the following Friday. If your child is absent when the homework is given out the are asked to tell myself on my TA Miss Halcomb who will give them a copy on their return. Please let us know via the homework or reading diaries of any problems with completing the homework and we can help them before Friday.
We will be trialling both Spellodrome and Mathletics homework for which you will be sent passwords shortly. If your child does not have access to a computer/ tablet at home, then please let us know.