Southwark News Week Beginning 27.3.17
This week we will be focusing on:
Maths-We will be returning to formal methods of multiplication and division. Remember it is a year 4 objective to know all the multiplication and division facts to 12×12.
The class have enjoyed using the following website, playing bingo to practice x10 x100. Please encourage your child to play this game and explain how they got their answers.
English-We will be continuing our poetry unit focusing on figurative language.
We have been using a good website to practice grammar and spelling. Please encourage your child to have a go at this at home. Our recent learning has included plurals, apostrophes of possession, antonyms and synonyms.
Science-We will be finishing our solids, Liquids and Gases topic with an assessment and review session.
Topic-We will be completing our unit on Ancient Egyptians and getting prepared to begin learning about Rainforests and Electricity.
PE-We will be finishing our gymnastics unit and playing line ball.
Class Successes
Logan, Malakai and Mona all received merit cards this week for improving their core strength and body tension skills.
Thank you for all those parents and children who generously contributed to our Red Nose Day fund raising. As a class we raised an impressive total of over £55!