Southwark News Week Beginning 4th June

Southwark Class Update wk beginning 4th June



This week we will be using a video clip-The Lone Robot which you can see below to stimulate our talk for writing skills, cummulating by writing our own alternate ending.

Our grammar focus will be expanded noun phrases and using a variety of conjunctions to join sentences.

Maths-We will be completing our statistics work with a focus on the upcoming World Cup and then moving on to refining our written multiplication and division methods. A quick reminder that knowing all the multiplication and division facts to 12×12 is a requirement for year 4 and children who are successful at this practice for short periods at home several times a week alongside their daily Maths lessons. I recommend using the website with games and quizzes below:

Homework over the half term was Mathletics due in on Friday 8th June.

Science-We will be continuing our electricity unit, focusing on electrical safety and making working circuits including switches.

P.E-We will be beginning a tennis unit on Tuesdays. Please double check your child has suitable footwear.

Reminder in the warmer weather your child will still be outside daily for play times, the daily mile and P.E lessons so sunhats and/or sunglasses as well as sun cream are essential.

I.C.T-We will be continuing our work on debugging with a focus on programming our own game.

P.S.H.E-We will be continuing our Apple’s Friends module 4 solving problems independently, focusing on the 4 steps to find a good solution.

Important Dates for the Diary


7th June-KS2 Sports Day


8th June-Mufti day-bring a bottle for the Summer Fair in return for wearing your own clothes. 


16th June-Friends of Howard Summer Fair