Southwark News Wk beginning 4th December
Here is a breakdown of what we will be looking at over the coming week:
English- We will be finishing our enjoyable unit of work about Robin Hood, by writing and editing our own versions of the Robin Hood legend ‘The Golden Arrow’ this week. As well as focusing on fronted adverbial phrases in grammar and apostrophes for possession.
Maths- We are continuing a unit of work on measure,
Spelling- Our focus this week in class is the suffixes tion, ssion and sion. We are investigating words which use these suffixes and finding patterns to help us remember which suffix to use when spelling.
ICT- We are still holding an extra ICT session each week to introduce the children to touch typing. This a free to use course and is accessible to everyone. If you would like to continue this at home, I have included the link below.
Our ICT topic this half term is software developing, we will be designing a Maths game on Scratch. The class are having great success with this and I must congratulate Azain, Vishal and Adrian for the impressive leadership skills they are demonstrating during this coding lessons. Thank you!
PE- PE lessons are on Tuesdays and Thursdays and children will need their PE kits. I would also like to remind you that the school policy is that all earrings should be removed, hair should be tied back and tights should be removed when getting changed. I would also ask that PE kits stay in school between Monday and Friday as occasionally we are fortunate enough to have the opportunity to take part in additional activities. This half term we will be learning Pilates and Quick Cricket and will continue to run the daily mile.
RE- We will be studying a unit of work concerning discrimination. This unit will be taught by Miss Siams on a Wednesday morning.
Topic- Our topic for this term is Vikings and Anglo Saxons. The children will be continuing their research on a particular area of study such as clothes and fashion or homes and food. The children will be making and designing their own game using the fact we have been researching.
French- We will be revising our conversational skills so far as well as learning the numbers between 20 and 50 and learning vocabulary to describe our families.
We are looking forward to our visit to the Pantomime which will take place on Friday 8th December. Unfortunately it is not possible for parents to accompany the class on this occasion as we are limited with tickets. Please look at the link below to find out more about this exciting trip.
In addition, I’m sure you are all excited about the Howard Primary School Christmas Fair which will be between 11am and 3pm on Saturday 9th December. Look forward to seeing you there.