Southwark Update for week beginning 12th June 2017
Southwark Class Update for week beginning 12th June 2017
Next week we will all be celebrating being healthy for our Healthy School Week in Southwark class by including a health focus into all of our lessons. Our particular focus in year 4 will be the importance of having breakfast and getting enough sleep.
Maths-We will be doing Maths key objective relay races and Maths investigations involving fidget spinners (Don’t worry if your child doesn’t have one. As a class we have a lot!))
English-We will be debating key issues about health and writing persuasive and information texts about them.
D&T-We will be cooking banana oat breakfast bars.
Geography-We will be learning more about Fair Trade and food origins to continue our IPC topic on the Rain forest.
P.E-We will be learning how to play individual, paired and team games in the play ground.
P.S.H.E-We will be learning how to relax and the importance of sleep.
Thank you for all your support during our fantastic Sports day this Thursday. The class really enjoyed the day and impressed with their effort and good behaviour.
Important information/ dates
Children will need their p.e kits in school every day please.
You all received a letter about our year 3 and 4 shared breakfast. Please let us know what your child will be bringing in if possible. We would love to try some breakfast foods from different countries for example, plantain.
Saturday 17th June: Summer Fayre
Tuesday 27th June: Whole school photo at Whitgift School
Thursday 20th July: Last day for children. 3:30pm finish.