Southwark Week Beginning 3.12.18
Our Learning This Week:
Maths-We will be beginning a unit on measuring. This week we will focus on converting km and m before moving on to calculating the perimeter of rectilinear shapes.
Literacy-We will be continuing writing and editing our first person accounts as the robin from our video text-Coming Home.
Science-We will be continuing our topic on teeth and the digestive system. This week we will be designing and carrying out our own enquiry about tooth decay.
Topic-We will be continuing our topic on Anglo-Saxons and Vikings, focusing on comparing and contrasting Saxon, Viking and modern day everyday life e.g. religion, cultural traditions and crime
and punishments.
Other information
Devil Emoji group won our marble competition with an impressive 234 marbles this week! Merit cards were given to Emiliana, Daisy, Evie and Mariah. Richa is our reader of the week. Well done!
Important Dates for the Diary
Saturday 15th December-Howard Christmas Fair
Tuesday 18th December- Year 3 and 4 Christmas Performance at St Andrews church.