Southwark Weekly News Summer 2 week 3
Thank you parents for the fantastic support during Healthy Week especially for contributing so many breakfast foods from around the World for our breakfast on Wednesday. We had so much food we had breakfasts on Thursday and Friday too! The children thoroughly enjoyed all the different active activities and were all commended during Friday’s merit assembly for their excellent engagement and participation. Well done Southwark class!
Back to normal this week although as we all found the mile a day so beneficial to our concentration and moods as well as the obvious health benefits of doing an hour of physical activity a day we will be introducing Mile Mondays into our weekly timetable.
This week Southwark class will be:
Maths-We will be focusing on geometry-position and direction as well as revising symmetry.
Literacy-We will be planning and writing a non-fiction recount of our activities during Healthy Week. Children will be specifically working on editing and improving their writing.
Science/D&T-We will continue designing our night lights focusing on building circuits to include switches this week.
P.E- On Tuesday we will be continuing our net and wall unit-Nimble nets learning how to drop and hit the ball using the correct hand grip. On Thursday we will be beginning our athletics unit called-Young Olympians learning the pull technique for throwing and how to safely throw and retrieve throwing apparatus.
Important information/ dates
Monday 19th June-Croydon athletics (BOYS)
Tuesday 20th June-Croydon athletics (GIRLS)
Wednesday 21st June-Croydon athletics FINALS
Tuesday 27th June: Whole school photo at Whitgift School
Tuesday 11th July: KS1 Sports Day
Thursday 20th July: Last day for children