Welcome to Southwark Bridge Class


A warm welcome to Southwark Class children, parents and carers.

Our Southwark team are:

Please click here for information on the Year 4 Statutory Times Tables Test

Class teacher-Miss Oasgood

Class teaching assistants - Mrs Glenn & Miss Griffiths


Please feel free to write us a note in your child’s homework diary, come and talk to us after school any day or phone the school to speak to us directly if there is anything you wish to discuss concerning your child.

Recommended reading books for Year 4:

Best Books for Year 4 | Y4 Reading List | BooksForTopics

Expertly selected books for 7 and 8 year old children (lovereading4kids.co.uk)

Expertly selected books for 9 and 10 year old children (lovereading4kids.co.uk)

Key Information:

  • A wide selection of quality books have been purchased for this class this year and your child is encouraged to take home a book every day. Each time you sign to show your child has read at home, they will receive a marble towards their team jar. The team with the most marbles at the end of the week will be crown team of the week!
  • Homework will be set on Friday and due in the following Friday unless stated otherwise on the homework (A longer time will be set for projects)
  • Spellings will be learnt at school and tested on Mondays. Please click on link: school-links-spellingjournalyear4southwark-1
  • In your child’s homework diary, they will have a green stamp at the end of each day to show they are following our school’s ‘Good to be Green’ behaviour policy. If they do not get a green stamp it is because they have not ended the day on a green card or have received a red card during the day. You will be notified by text if a red card consequence has occurred.

Week Beginning 20th September

September 19, 2021

This week our learning will be as follows;

  • In mathematics we will continue our work on number and place value. We will learn to add and subtract multiples of 100, crossing 1000, and to round numbers to the nearest 100.
  • In English we will continue our work around the Boy at the Back of the Class. We will create posters and information leaflets linked to the book.
  • In science we will learn how sound travels.
  • Our blocked foundation subject this week will be computing. We will learn to create a wiki page on the Ancient Greeks.

PE will be each Wednesday and Thursday. Children should wear PE kit on t.hose days.

Week Beginning 13th September

September 11, 2021

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#eff416″ border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]The children have settled back into school really well and are working hard in year 4.[/dropshadowbox]

This week our learning will be as follows;

  • In mathematics we will continue our work on number and place value. We will use our understanding of 1000 to convert units of measure and to solve problems.
  • In English we will continue our work based on The Boy at the Back of the Class by Onjali Q Rauf, We will write and record an infomercial, make posters and work towards creating an information leaflet.
  • In science we will learn about sound.

The foundation subject we will be focusing on is geography. We will develop our map skills and learn about the British Isles and Europe.

In Millenium Class, PE will be on Wednesday and Friday. In Southwark Class, it will be on Wednesday and Thursday.