Spring 2 Week 3 – 8th March 2021 – The Return


Welcome back everyone,

We are so looking forward to welcoming you back for face-to-face teaching in school from Monday, the 8th March 2021. Just in case that questions about Monday remain, here are a few key-points:

  • Find here is a copy of the letter that was sent out last week about Monday’s re-opening.
  • We start at 9:00 and finish at 15:15.
  • The children in Year 5 will enter and leave where the Blue-Flag-Zone is (just like before Christmas really).
  • On Tuesdays and Wednesdays we have PE, so children will be required to wear their school PE clothes to school as we are not able to allow changing in the classroom.
  • Our Music day stays the Wednesday, when Mr Regan will be leading us through “Sound-Progress“.
  • On Friday afternoon, we will give the children 15 min off reward time for good learning and behaviour for learning within the week (Dojo-Points).
  • Children need to have their own (chosen) Reading Book for reading during transition and calm phases. These books will also be used for sessions where an adult from class will read with the children.
  • Please ensure that all Learning Diaries travel between home and school daily and assist the children in recording their daily reading (Dojo-Points will reward daily reading).
  • Homework will be sent out on Fridays for a return on Wednesdays.
  • Children who cannot be present in school are required to use Google Classroom and complete as well as submit the work set there. In addition, in case of absences, we will aim to include as many live-links/lessons with the child as possible.


This week, we will be learning …


  • I can measure angles in degrees.
  • I can measure with a protractor (acute angles).
  • I can measure with a protractor (obtuse angles).
  • I can draw lines and angles accurately.
  • I can calculate angles on a straight line.


  • I can empathise with feelings that lead/led to change.
  • I can identify features and motives in/behind a text (incl. questions to the author).
  • I can use information texts and visual context to explore the past.
  • I can identify and reflect on language for effect.
  • I can identify the power of illustrations and respond to them.

ICT: I can secure and expand my skills in using Inkscape.

RE: I can apply ideas about religions and world views thoughtfully.

Art: I can explore perspective and illusion in photography.

Geography: I can explain the importance of protecting our coasts.

RHE: I can understand the dangers of alcohol.

Spanish: I can exchange basic information about family members.

Science: I can explore the properties of materials and their use – British Science Week.