Spring 2 Week 5
Week beginning 20th March 2017
WOW wall:
Please fill out a WOW card to share an important moment you have with your child at home which we can add to our WOW wall. We always enjoy hearing about milestones that Grosvenor class make at home!
HOMEWORK: (Sent out on Fridays and due back on Mondays)
Sent out Friday 17hh March 2017
Rhyming Words.
Can the children continue and complete a list of words that rhyme?
Our topic this term is Traditional Tales. Next weeks we will continue to look at Rapunzel, story mapping and linking to other areas of the curriculum.
The children are working in phonic groups according to ability, there are presently 4 groups. We are revising phase 2/3 sounds, digraphs and trigraphs plus all tricky words. For the next 2 weeks I will be carrying out phase 2/3 phonic assessments on the children with a view to possibly expanding to 5 phonic groups after Easter.
Your child will continue to bring home the animal word lists. These are the key words that occur most frequently in books your child will read in Reception and beyond. We have added additional lists as some children have finished the first set of words.
The word lists will encourage your child to learn to read these words and start to instantly recognise and sight read them in the books they read. When they are confident with reading the words bring them in to class so Mrs Keer or Miss Dale can check them. Well done to those chidren who are progressing through the lists really well.
We will continue to revise number recognition and counting skills and work on achieving number stars 1 and 2. We will continue with the use of language related to money, and will have a till out with money and items for the children to buy. We will add some weighing scales to the shop and revise the language used to describe weight.
Please make sure reading records, reading books and library books are in book bags EVERY day. We read with the children on a weekly basis, not always the same day. We are finding several children do not have books in bags so are unable to change their books. As the children become more confident readers we will sometimes do a small guided reading session with groups of chidren who are at a similar level of reading.
Now that the children have learnt all sounds in phase 2 and 3 please try to read with them for 10 minutes every day so they can begin to apply the phonic knowledge they have learnt and ensure they become independent readers. Please take a minute to write a comment in the yellow contact book so we know how they are progressing at home.
This week we will develop a Doctor’s Surgery in our role play area and look at the role of people who help us.
24th March Red Nose Day
The children can wear their own clothes but please try to wear something red, t shirt, jumper, leggings, trousers and pay £1. We are hoping to collect £30 to contribute to the red nose day charity.
We will join with Chelsea Class in the morning for an obsacle course/space hopper challenge in the playground, hopefully this will be a fun activity for the children.