Summer 1 – Week 2 – 27th April 2020
Good morning and happy Monday,
We are now nearing the end of April. Just in the previous weeks, please make sure you check the Class-Blog on a daily basis (lesson resources will be published at around 9am every morning). Below is our time-table for the week. Please make sure you use it to structure your day.
General tips and activities:
To fill gaps, help on rainy days or just simply enjoy the freedom to do what you personally are interested in, have a look at …
Cartoon-Character drawing:
Visit Collins’ Word of the Day and expand your vocabulary: Do you know what a “volute”, a “berimbau”, a “bubble car”, a “notaphily” or a “fiacre” are?
Continue with Mathletics – Most children have a good range of tasks right across the board outstanding. Please complete them.
If your times-tables are a bit rusty, make sure you practise them.
PE: Use the vast amount of Youtube resources for a morning wake-up and shake-up.
Every day, you should read your own book for about 30min. Use the bookreview template and submit your work via Class-Dojo or -> BookReview-Template (.doc) -> Book review sheet (.pdf)
Listen to your “Street Child” podcast and answer the questions – best done in the WORD document that I send you daily.
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#d1dfbe” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Monday:[/dropshadowbox]
Maths: White-Rose Summer 1 Week 2 Lesson 1 → Adding decimals with same amounts of decimal places
Watch the presentation ( and complete the tasks (everyone should be able to complete that).
Then, you may choose to move on to the challenge: Solve the attached questions. -> Su1-Wk2-Decimal-Place-Value-Riddle-Challenge-Cards
Check Friday’s answers from the Screen-Shot.
Solve Day 126 (answer on a Dojo or a word-processing document, you will receive the correct answers tomorrow).
The Power of Pictures. -> all tasks in a document: Su1-W2-Lesson01 – PowerOfPictures
Explain what you think the artist wanted to tell the audience.
Write a “Thank you” card to somebody who – without being constantly in the spotlight – helps enormously during the current Corona pandemia (e.g. your postman, delivery driver, shop-keeper …).
Create your own powerful picture that best describes/expresses your current situation and/or feelings.
Reading: Listen to chapter 5 (Behind Bars) that was kindly read by Emiliana, please answer the following questions.
Questions in a document: StreetChild-chapter 5 – Behind Bars
Explain the word “Pauper”.
In your opinion, what does the sentence mean, “Speedy despatch, paupers get.” when talking about what happened to Jim’s mum after she died.
Describe a typical day for Jim in the workhouse.
In your opinion, should Jim run away from the workhouse? Create a for and against list.
Spellings: Complete the tasks from the attached .pdf, please. Su1-Wk2-Spellings
Art: Re-Watch the video on perspective drawing and drawing of historic buildings.
Create your own sketch of this famous Croydon landmark – This is Croydon Minster.
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#d1dfbe” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Tuesday:[/dropshadowbox]
Here is some News-Reading: FIRSTNEWS – 27th April
Maths: White-Rose Summer 1 Week 2 Lesson 2 → Subtracting decimals with same amounts of decimal places
Watch the presentation ( and complete the tasks.
Extension-Challenge: See the questions on the worksheet. Su1-Wk2-L02-Extension-NextStep
Check yesterday’s answers from the Screen-Shot.
Solve Day 127 (answer on a Dojo or a word-processing document, you will receive the correct answers tomorrow).
Story-Starters → Complete the Writing task in this document. Save your answers and send them to your teacher.
Su1-Week2-Lesson02 – StoryStarter
Reading: Listen to chapter 6 and please answer the following questions.
Questions in a document: StreetChild-chapter 6 – Tip
Explain why – in your opinion – Jim followed and eventually talked to the boy with the wild hair, but not the other boys.
Describe and characterise school/teaching in the past – according to the book.
Compare it to today’s teaching and learning (find differences and similarities).
Explain why Jim felt like is described in the following sentence: “He was bleak inside himself, lonely and bewildered and afraid.” (p. 54)
In your opinion, can you write without being able to read? Explain your opinion.
How do schools and fairness link in the past? Discuss and express your opinion giving clear reasons.
Research what “Music-therapy” is and how this is linked to the text/chapter.
Science: Properties of materials.
Our Science Teaching Points (or Learning objectives) are:
Compare and group together everyday materials on the basis of their properties, including their hardness, solubility, transparency, conductivity (electrical and thermal), and response to magnets
Understand that some materials will dissolve in liquid to form a solution, and describe how to recover a substance from a solution
Use knowledge of solids, liquids and gases to decide how mixtures might be separated, including through filtering, sieving and evaporating
Give reasons, based on evidence from comparative and fair tests, for the particular uses of everyday materials, including metals, wood and plastic
Demonstrate that dissolving, mixing and changes of state are reversible changes
Explain that some changes result in the formation of new materials, and that this kind of change is not usually reversible, including changes associated with burning and the action of acid on bicarbonate of soda.
Task 1: Create a fact-file about a chosen Scientist relevant for the topic:
Antoine Lavoisier (1743 – 1794)
Dmitri Mendeleyev (1834 – 1907)
Sir Humphry Davy (1778 – 1829)
John Dalton (1766 – 1844)
Marie Curie (1967-1934)
Royal Society of Chemistry – ‘The 175 Faces of Chemistry’ provides information on contemporary chemists and chemists of the past –
Task 2: On plain paper, create a title page for our topic: “Properties and changes of Materials”. Include facts about materials, pictures of different materials, what different materials are used for etc.
Task: 3: Go on a Materials-Hunt and find 5 (or more) different items in your home. To each record what material it is mainly made of, describe the material, record strengths and weaknesses → use the table and document to record: Su1-Wk2-Science-Materials-Introduction
Task: 4: Discuss and record your answer. (record on the above .doc sheet)
What is positive, negative and fascinating about a chocolate door handle.
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#d1dfbe” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Wednesday:[/dropshadowbox]
Maths: White-Rose Summer 1 Week 2 Lesson 3 → Subtracting decimals with different amounts of decimal places
Watch the presentation ( and complete the tasks.
Extension-Challenge → Decimals in the wider context (e.g. linked with fractions):
Check yesterday’s answers from the Screen-Shot (day 127).
Solve Day 128 (answer on a Dojo or a word-processing document, you will receive the correct answers tomorrow).
SpaG – Using the correct tenses in writing. This task is best done within the document. Su1-Wk2-L03-Correct the tenses
Reading I –> Home-reading task:
Create a set of top-trumps from a range of heroes and villains from the stories you have read. (at least 5 heroes and 5 villains)
Reading II: Listen to chapter 7 ( and please answer the following questions.
Questions in a document: StreetChild-chapter 7 – The Wild Thing
What time of the year is it in chapter 7. Give 3 pieces of evidence from the book.
What escalates in this chapter and what is your opinion about what is happening?
Explain how the chapter marks a turning point.
Write a letter to the teacher Mr Barrack sharing your opinion on his behaviour as a teacher. Can you convince him to change?
Geography: Today, we are travelling back to Room 13 and the children’s stay in Whitby.
From memory, recount 5 aspects of the book that could be interesting/relevant for a geographer (e.g. Fylingdale Early Warning Station).
Use these awesome maps for clues: Whitby Aerial Whitby OS Yorkshire OS
Watch the video and note 10 key facts.
Read the text and answer the questions. Coastline L01 – Su1-Wk2
Create a mind-map/Concept map of “Coast”. Include sketches, the keywords (beach, dune, tide, cliff, cave, arches, salt marsh, stack, spit) and explain the meaning of the keywords.
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#d1dfbe” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Thursday:[/dropshadowbox]
Maths: White-Rose Summer 1 Week 2 Lesson 4 → Subtracting decimals with different amounts of decimal places (Sorry, I made a mistake, yesterday during lesson 3 you were meant to add, but if you have done the subtraction, which is lesson 4, please do lesson 3, if not, then nothing changes.)
Watch the presentation ( and complete the tasks.
Extension: Decimals-Fractions-Percentages-Challenge → Complete the following questions … Su1-Wk2-L04-Decimals Extension
Check yesterday’s answers from the Screen-Shot (day 128).
Solve Day 129 (answer on a Dojo or a word-processing document, you will receive the correct answers tomorrow).
English work linked to “Street Child”. We will…
Task 1: Describe the pictures. Include the activities, feelings of everyone on the picture, sentences that might have been said etc.
Task 2: Imagine you were one of the children in the workhouse, describe your day in great detail.
You might have to research a little bit more about life in workhouses.
Task: 3: Draw a picture of Jim in the workhouse during one of his activities. Include a caption.
Reading: Please listen to chapter 8 (The Carpet Beaters, and answer the following questions.
Questions in a document: StreetChild-chapter 8 – The Carpet Beaters
Explain how Mr Sissons finances (pays for) the workhouse (e.g. to feed and cloth everyone)?
Describe the “great escape”.
Explain the link between the title of the chapter and its content.
Explain why Tip didn’t join Jim during the “great escape”.
Explain the role of pure luck during Jim’s escape.
Explain the power/effect of the short ending sentence, “He was free.”
History: Today, we are going to dive deeper into our topic “Local History”. So far, we have only looked at some pictures etc. of Croydon landmarks. Now, I would like you to do the following:
- Use the picture prompts to write down 5-10 things you know about Croydon’s past.
List 5 or more important locations (buildings or sights) in Croydon (e.g. Surrey Street Market or Lloyd Park).
Then, looking at your list, pick one and create a factfile on it ready to be shared with the other children in class.
Eventually, create a list of famous people who are connected to Croydon (e.g. through having been to school) or have actually come from Croydon.
To each person, write a sentence or two about their link/connection to Croydon. If you write it on Dojo, I can share it with the others.
Optional: Browse the website and pick the picture you found most interesting. Take a screenshot, paste it into a new document and write a note explaining why you chose that picture.
Thank you & have fun.
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#d1dfbe” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Friday:[/dropshadowbox]
Maths: White-Rose Summer 1 Week 2 Lesson 5 –Complete as many of the challenges as a family as possible.
- Su1-Wk2-L05-FamilyChallenges
Clue: For challenge 5 remember that in an equilateral triangle all angles are equal not just the sides. Also remember, that in a triangle all angles add to 180° while in a rectangle they add to 360°.
Next step: Ensure that there are no outstanding tasks in Mathletics left, please.
Starter: Check yesterday’s answers from the Screen-Shot (day 129).
Solve Day 130 (answer on a Dojo or a word-processing document, you will receive the correct answers tomorrow).
English work linked to “Street Child”. Today, I would like you to …
Task 1: Read through the attached Twinkl presentation about Workhouses in Victorian time. Su1-Wk2-L05-Twinkl-workhouses-powerpoint
Task 2: Read the attached 3 diary entries and highlight in purple what marks good Year 5 writing and in light green what you think needs improving.
Su1-Wk2-L05-WoW-Writing Examples
Sources: (30/4/2020), (30/4/2020), (30/4/2020)
the day the family got evicted from their house (chapter 2&3),
the day that Jim’s mum collapsed and they both got taken to the Workhouse (chapter 4&5),
the day leading up to and including the “great escape” (chapter 7&8) OR
the day that he spent searching for Rosie (for this, you will have to do the Reading task with today’s podcast first, chapter 9).
Please, add an illustration at the end of your work.
Reading: Please listen to chapter 9 ( and answer the following questions.
Questions in a document: StreetChild-chapter 9 – The Jaw of the Iron Dog
Give Jim 3 useful pieces of advice on how to find his sisters.
Explain the link between the title of the chapter and its content.
Explain what effect the chapter title has on the reader.
Create an illustration for this chapter.
Explain the meaning of, “he had looked through a window into his memory”. (73)
Predict what you think has happened to Jim’s sisters Emily and Lizzie. (Which clues does the text give you?)
Spanish: Today, we are going to move on to the next topic, which is “My home”.
First, watch the presentation and practise saying the words.
Thanks to our Canadian friends, here are some flashcards with audio:
This is another cracking one.
Then, log-in to “languageangels” and use the vocabulary sheet to play “Rooms (What is missing)” – also practise the speaking part.
Mi Casa – L01 – Core Vocabulary Sheet
Mi Casa – L01 – Vocabulary – Flashcards -> log-in [username is your class name in lower case (cannon street / london bridge) and password is howard)
After that, choose one task-sheet (hot, hotter or hottest) and complete them. Don’t print, just write it onto class-dojo.
Mi Casa – L01 – Writing Exercise (hot) Mi Casa – L01 – Writing Exercise (hotter) Mi Casa – L01 – Writing Exercise (hottest)
Finally, create a learning poster (use the attached vocabulary sheet and flashcards) and record yourself using the words (on class-dojo and then send it to us).
Here are some animated flashcards:
This link can be used to secure for everyone who feels very confident.
If you are a very confident Spanish speaker, create a presentation with the key vocabulary, pictures and audio (record yourself saying the phrases) so that we can share them with the rest of the class on the blog and Dojo.
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#f4d2d2″ border_width=”3″ border_color=”#248b6a” ]Homework[/dropshadowbox]
This week, it was decided to spare you having to complete a separate piece of homework. Instead, we would love for you to ensure that you have completed all learning/lesson tasks from the past two weeks.
Then, we would like you to pick a walk – should you go out for some fresh air – and document it with 3-5 pictures. Arrange the pictures in the correct order and describe your little trip for fresh air and exercise.
For everyone who is “stuck inside”, please document and annotate your daily routine/activities with 3-5 pictures.
Next weekend, I will set you up on a new Geography mapping system (which I hope we can purchase for school) where you will do this documenting online while creating your own map. A video of instructions will be posted during the course of next week. If successful, I will ask the other children in school to follow your example.