Week Beginning 11th June 2018

This week is healthy schools week. In Waterloo Class we will be focusing on the importance of a healthy breakfast.

  • In mathematics we will be completing our work on shape and then working on statistics. We will create bar and tally charts and Venn diagrams based on what we eat for breakfast. We will also create Carroll diagrams  to help us choose ingredients for muesli.
  • In English we will learn about the features of diary writing before writing diary entries based on Dream Big by Deloris Johnson.
  • In topic time we will learn about the importance of a healthy breakfast. We will taste and evaluate home made muesli. We will then plan and create our own muesli recipe.
  • Chase from Crystal Palace Football Club will work with us on Wednesday. This week he will lead PE activities.

Congratulations to all the children for their fantastic participation at Sports Day on Thursday. Please remember to return PE kits to school for our lesson on Monday. Our breakfast celebration is on Wednesday. Please remember to bring some food to share with the class.